Where is Your Home?

Photo Credit: Birds of Paradise Wallpaper

I am a nester.  No matter where I live, I always strive to create an environment that reflects who I am.  I use fabrics, furniture, paintings, photographs and mementos to make it special.

I’ve often told my husband that for me our nest is a safe place where we can let down and be comfortable.  We go out into this world but we can always return home to a place of love.

Lately, my home has been changing.  I thought I’d continue to live in the home I worked so hard to design according to my specifications.

But two years ago we moved to a temporary home.

  • Gone were the furnishings I loved.
  • Gone were the gorgeous views.
  • Gone were the trappings of success.

We moved into a simple house with a few pieces of furniture and lots of boxes in the garage.

Now we are in the midst of yet another move.  Our new nest is a one story condo that is quite small.  However, it is closer to work, family and the places I used to frequent.

Moving is something I’m not fond of.  And yet it got me thinking.

Where is my true home?

I woke up several times during the night with a song in my head.

It was the chorus to a song called “Where I Belong” by Building 429.

All I know is I’m not home yet
This is not where I belong
Take this world and give me Jesus
This is not where I belong.

This song reminded me that this is not my permanent home.

Yes, I live in this world now.  But the Spirit of Jesus lives in me.  He makes His home within me.

John 14:23

23 Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.”

The physical structure doesn’t really matter after all.  He is my dwelling place and I depend on His Word and His Spirit.

Blessings and love,


24 thoughts on “Where is Your Home?

  1. Debbie

    Oh AMEN to this for sure….I had the song Carrie Underwood sings pop into my head when I was reading this here this morning…

    “This Is Our Temporary Home.
    It’s Not Where We Belong.
    Windows And Rooms That We’re Passin’ Through.
    This Is Just A Stop, On The Way To Where We’re Going.
    I’m Not Afraid Because I Know This Is Our
    Temporary Home.”

    No matter where we are living here on this earth, it is indeed “temporary”. Here today, and gone tomorrow. I told my hubby when we moved here, “Home is where ever youn are, and where we all gather together.” Hope you are all settled in. Have a good day! HUGS

  2. felisol

    I feel like you; I am a nester too.
    When I was young I moved about a lot. During 9 years of education and carrier making I had to uproot 11 times. Then came the day I was done with traveling and know I have lived in the same city for 35 years, just changing from rented apartment to two different self owned flats and then two house. All the time my anchor has been the house in which I grew up in a village 12 kilometers from here. There I still have my maiden room. Jesus said,”Leave all and follow me.”
    I haven’t done that. Not literally, but there has been times in my life when I have been challenged otherwise. Was a carrier more important than doing the right things, daring take an unpopular stand for the week.
    I think that is where God has been able to use me, and he still does.
    I often long for peace and quiet,but that has not been given me here. I know I hall be happy that wonderful day when I can rest by His bosom. Great promises, almost too great to grasp, but I do it. Meanwhile I am thankful for every day I’m allowed to stay in our very modest home on earth to gather strength.

  3. Jess

    I too am a “nester.” I LOVE to decorate and make a space comfortably pleasing. But the last few years I have yearned with all my heart to be closer to family. That isn’t GOD’s plan for me right now, so I live with my heart residing “out-of-state” and attempt to rejoice in the “temporary.”

    Blessings to you Debbie as you make this transition. May GOD’s Joy and Peace flood your new “home.”

  4. Dianne

    Enjoy your new place–

    Less is more and I am trying so hard to simplify this year.

    Most every day I try to gather a few things to take to Goodwill.

    Really good word, Debbie!

  5. Saleslady371

    Excellent point, Debbie. I love that song and appreciate the message. It reminds me, too, not to get too comfortable in this life. It\’s not all about me and how I decorate although those things are good and fun. I bet your new home will be filled with beauty not only with fabric and frames, but the love of Jesus in every room.

  6. Shanda Oakley

    It warms my heart to read that you have put aside your earthly treasures and have rearranged your priorities in light of eternity. I know if I kept an eternal viewpoint at all times, things would be different in my heart, my life and my home. I need to work on that more.

  7. rcubes

    It’s hard to grasp but that’s the truth. Home is where Jesus is. For now, we have a piece of Heaven in our hearts when we truly have faith & believe in Jesus! God bless you & protect you wherever you go.

    I love the security word I have: forgiven

  8. BernadineBernadine

    Love this post Debbie, so glad that this world and it’s trappings is just temporary and we have a permanent home with Jesus.

  9. Denise

    So true Debbie; nothing here is permanent, and if we try to create happiness by accumulating wealth and material items, we never have enough. We all have our basic needs and should be thankful at all times for everything God has provided us, but we are only here on earth temporarily! Knowing that we will live together with God, with new bodies and everything we could possibly need should be our primary focus for an everlasting life! 🙂

    Blessings and joy as you settle into your new nest!

  10. Iris

    You are right, Debbie…We are not home yet. Although we try to make a wonderful home this side of heaven, heaven is our home.

  11. Kathleen

    We’ve been simplifying and have our home on the market. When we built this home I thought we’d live here until our final days. You are so right, this home is temporary. In Heaven the Lord is building our final home with Him. He is our Heavenly Father. We are part of His family. Such a blessing!

    Have a wonderful Easter weekend.

  12. elaine @ peace for the journey

    Most days, the focus of home is the best view in sight. I know that there have been many days in recent history when looking forward and looking up is the only safe place I’ve had to rest my eyes.

    I know this has been difficult for you, friend. I pray that in the midst of all the upheaval, your stay focus-forward in your heart. The best is yet to be… up ahead and just around the corner. Hang on; the finish is going to be something.

    Blessed Easter walk to you and yours~elaine

  13. Lori

    Hi Debbie!

    I so identify with you here. I have had several homes, one that I had custom built up in Payson, but you know what? The one I have felt most “at home” in is the manufactured home I am in right now, it is not very large but it is home and it is beautiful. My walk with the Lord has been closest in this home and as a result, the Holy Spirit lives here and it glows with a peace that everyone comments on when they visit! I may be ready to make another move also, and I told myself I wouldn’t unless it was back to my hometown in California….but the Lord may have other ideas!! You are probably like me, you could make a home out of a broom closet and it would be very cozy! Lori

  14. helen

    It is true, this world is not my home – we’re just passing through. My treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue, The angels beckon me, from heaven’s open door, and I can’t feel at home in this world anymore. Another song from my childhood. What a wonderful day it will be when we all go to our homecoming.

  15. Lea Culp

    What truth, so simply stated! I pray you will soon be settled in your new home and that things will fall into place and it will feel like home too. We can know these things in our head but sometimes it is so hard to know them with our heart. Bless you sweet friend as you face yet another adjustment.

    Easter blessings to you!

  16. LaurieLaurie Adams

    Wonderful post Debbie! After 20+ years in the same place, I really do dread ever moving from here. I have often told my husband that if we did move, I would want to just get rid of everything and just start over. lol Sometimes in life, thats just not a bad idea. 🙂

  17. Joy

    Wow. What a beautiful, refreshing message–thank you:) This week, my two young children and I are moving to a temporary space. I had been resisting the idea of temporary, but have chosen to embrace this move as an adventure. A wonderful chance to release that which no longer fits, as we pack our stuff, and to allow the freedom of having few material possessions (most of our stuff will remain packed while in this space) to allow us to celebrate the day in different ways–such as outdoors. What you share here is an affirmation to me: home is truly where our hearts is, and *this* is all a temporary space:)
    (a fun “bonus”, my anti-spam word is: peace..*love* that, because it is what I cultivate and share!)

  18. JoanJoan

    Yes, our true home is with Jesus! Thanks for the beautiful reminder that we are on a journey, and our current home is temporary! There is a much greater one in our future! Praise God!

  19. Janette@Janette's Sage

    So understand the feeling. Today while fixing Easter lunch for 12 I couldn’t find a platter…because I am use to memorizing where I put things and as we keep moving I now forget. I have to remind myself of the truth you have written over and over again…I am not to be attached to this house, but look forward to the mansion being built for me in heaven…how hard that truth is at times, since women were made to nest