Loving the unchurched

A year ago, my husband and I left our fulltime pastoring position. For nearly 20 years we served the same congregation, first as laypeople and then for the past ten years as one of their pastors. It was one of the most difficult things we have ever had to do, to leave.

I wish I could say that everything since then has been peachy, but to be quite honest the change has not come easy. It is difficult to leave the family that you love and try to find a new family. Perhaps, it would have been easier if we had left to take another church, but God did not move us in that direction. In fact, He kept us planted right where we were, in the same small town but just not with the same congregation. I could write a thousand blog posts on what God has shown us in this past year of soul searching, but for today I have one thing on my heart.


In our quest to find our next assignment from God, one thing became very evident to us. Inside the walls of the church a great ministry is happening, but outside the walls of the church, there is a GREAT harvest just waiting to be reaped. It didn’t take long for my husband to gain employment in the secular world and it really didn’t take long for the blinders to come off of our eyes either. There is a whole different world out there, one that is filled with doubters and seekers. And in every corner, someone can be found that is outside the walls of the church because they have been hurt inside the walls of the church.

If you don’t believe me. Look at the numbers. They don’t lie. And if you are like me, once you read some of these statistics, you will be amazed and hopefully heartbroken and the blinders will be lifted from your eyes…

Lifeway Research, which is based outside of Nashville, TN conducted a survey of 1,402 “unchurched” adults:

  • 22% stated that they never go to church, not even on holidays.
  • Only 52% believed in the essential christian belief that “Jesus died and rose again.”
  • 61% said that the God of the Bible is no different than the spiritial gods of world religions such as Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism.
  • 79% stated that church today is nothing more than organized religion and it is not about loving God or loving people.
  • 78% would be willing to listen to someone tell them about what they believed about Christianity.
  • 89% have a close friend that professes to be a Christian.

(taken from USATODAY http://www.usatoday.com/news/religion/2008-01-09-unchurched-survey_N.htm )

Even though these numbers are from 2008, I have no doubt that the numbers probably have climbed. In the last month my husband and I have sat at restuarants, attended weddings and  visited funeral homes where we have engaged in conversation with such people…the unchurched. Listening to story after story of “how” they use to go to church, the “why” they don’t go to church anymore and the yearning that they have to find a place to belong.

The opportunity to share God’s love with these that we consider “unchurched” is right at our finger tips. The evidence is found in the above survey. If 78% are willing to listen, and 89% know someone who is a Christian …could it be that we (the churched) are not speaking up to them (the unchurched)?

Jesus said, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children.” (Matthew 19:14 NLT)

ALL children need love. Without it, they cannot survive physically. And spiritually, without love, God’s love, His children will not survive. I don’t know exactly where God is leading me and my husband ministry wise, but I do know that He is placing some of His lost children in our path and it is our responsibility to show them the way. God’s way, that is.

Perhaps you know someone who is “unchurched” … in what way can you lead them home? God is looking for ALL of His children to come unto Him, may we stay alert and have a love like His that will help them find their way.

Come visit my blog for more devotionals…. w

6 thoughts on “Loving the unchurched

  1. Debbie

    Oh Laurie, there are so many people as you described. Unfortunately, I have many of them in my own family. They give the excuses all the time. But I think it’s so important to live out what we believe. We may be the only Jesus they get to see.

    I used to tell my church friends that we shouldn’t be a church country club. You know where we all do everything together. There’s work to be done and people to meet and minister to in the world!

    I’m glad you and your husband are open to the Lord’s leading. May others see Jesus in you two and want what you have. That is my prayer for me too!

    Blessings and love,

  2. LaurieLaurie Adams

    Debbie, thank you for the encouraging comment. I liked how you referred to it as a church country club, sad but true that its easier to stay migrated with what we know and lose out on the opportunities that God gives us to bring some light into the darkened world. I agree with your prayer, may He continue to lead us and allow us to minister to those in need.

  3. Iris

    Honestly, the statistics don’t surprise me. There are many people I know that have been hurt by the the church. The bad thing is that we are the church. I think that we need to share with others what God has done for us. Maybe we are afraid of admitting that we are all sinners. I think that sharing out own testimony would be a good start and don’t come across that we are without fault.

    Thank you for sharing from your heart, Laurie.

  4. Lisa Shaw

    Well said!!

    I pray you and your husband follow the path God leads you on in this continued journey to walk with Him, to love Him and to serve Him! May you both have great opportunities to touch the lives of others for His glory!!

    Blessings to you both!