Have You Missed A Divine Appointment Lately?

Have you had any divine appointments lately?  You know those times when you interact with someone and you just know it was orchestrated by God. 

Do you pray and ask God to open your eyes to what He has for you today? 

But then your day becomes a blur of activity and busyness.  You realize you never had the time to listen to His still small voice.  How many divine appointments have you missed?

Recently, I flew to Atlanta for a job interview.  I felt honored to have a face to face interview since more than 100,000 people had applied for the position.  However, I just knew the Lord had a hand in my being there at this time.  I met some of the nicest people who were also applying for the job.  And I have to say that everyone was so supportive of one another. 

I met another gal from Phoenix who was on my flight and so we exited the plane together.  As we were walking and talking, Jill shared a Scripture verse that  a friend had given her.  My heart leaped with joy when I heard that.  Before I knew it, several other people approached us to say that they were there for the interview too.  We all agreed to meet for dinner to talk.  By the end of our dinner, one of the men prayed for us all.  How awesome is that?

Although I didn’t get the job, I know that I was there for a reason.

On the plane ride home, I was seated between two people and the plane was packed full.  Each of these women were reading or watching the TV monitors on the back of our seats.  However, I began to casually talk with them.  When we sat down on that plane, our minds were in such different places.  I had been reviewing in my mind how I thought I did at the interview since I didn’t know the outcome athen.  The two ladies had each visited family and were a bit down about their own personal matters.

However, I believe the Lord orchestrated that divine appointment for the three of us.

As we began to talk, we realized that each one of us was a Christian.  Grace shared that her father was an evangelist and that the family had come from Lebanon.  The other young gal was a Christian too and lived in Phoenix.  She was returning from a visit with her mom who had recently remarried and it was a transition for her.

By the end of our flight, we had become fast friends.  As Grace ran to make her connecting flight to California, she hugged me and said we are sisters in Christ.  Each of us was an encouragement to the other.  We were all smiling and forgetting about our concerns and anxieties that were there when we boarded our flight.

How many times do you sit on a plane and hope the other person doesn’t start talking?  Are you engrossed in your own issues or maybe reading your book?  I wonder if there aren’t divine appointments that you have been missing? 

The photo in this post is Grace’s nephew as he is praying.  I loved the photo as he is so adorable.  And he’s  being taught well.

Don’t miss out on a divine appointment.

Blessings and love,

Heart Choices

6 thoughts on “Have You Missed A Divine Appointment Lately?

  1. rcubes

    How so true sister Debbie that the busyness of this world sometimes takes us away from doing some opportunity for the Lord. Your story is awesome and it reminded me when I served in the jury duty once. Everyone didn’t seem to want to be bothered. I dropped a hello to the one sitting next to me, and pretty soon, 4 of us found out we were all Christians and got excited talking about our faith and that the Lord must have put us sitting next to each other so we won’t get bored! LOL. Some were not amused hearing the other ladies talked about what the Lord had done in their lives. But we just don’t know…Maybe something is being planted at someone’s heart the same time.

    God bless you sister and praying all is well. May His strength always be yours. Love and prayers.

  2. Bethany

    So true Debbie, I enjoyed your story about your flight.

    I have been thinking about this lately and how I don’t want to miss those opportunities and what do I need to do in my life to make sure I’m paying attention and not missing them.

    God bless you friend!

  3. Michele

    Divine appointments can be wonderful! I’m sitting here thinking of two women in my life that I would consider friends through divine appointment….both are named Barb. The first Barb was matched up with me to be my cabin mate on a Christian cruise just over 3 years ago! Barb and I emailed and talked on the phone 5 months before the cruise. We were instant friends from the very first email, had an AMAZING cruise, and still remain close friends even though we live 2 time zones apart!

    The second Barb and I met in the ladies room at a professional training seminar a year ago February. Our friendship started over admiring each others cross necklaces in the ladies room! Through supporting her husband’s business takes them both out of town a lot, she does come to my bible study when she is in town and we try to do lunch every a couple months.

    Last June I went on a second cruise and needed a cabinmate and Barb was not able to join me. I was matched up with a woman I’ll call Susan. Prior to the cruise she rarely responded to emails or checked her voicemail if I called…finally I decided “I must be on my own….just me and Jesus”. I wondered what He was trying to teach me. Why hadn’t Susan and I become friends? Finally a week before the cruise Susan got into gear and called ironing out a few details. It was a rough week and I don’t mean just the Bay of Alaska! I extended grace, the Holy Spirit reminded me often this is only for a week, and I learned some hard people lessons. I also saw God’s provision in other people who have become friends because Susan and I just did not click. We may have had Jesus in common but nothing else! I still look back on my cruise to Alaska with fond memories of God’s majasty in His creation and some interesting lessons in perseverence and loving a difficult person. It was a divine appointment of the sanctification variety!


  4. Iris

    How cool that you have met such neat people while being in Atlanta and than flying back sandwiched between two believers 🙂 …God is good. You are right that we sometimes miss our divine appointments because we are too busy to recognize them.
    Thank you for the reminder to keep our heart and minds open for divine appointments.

  5. Lori

    Debbie, I am so baaaad about missing divine appointments, especially on the plane. I really don’t like to fly so I usually stick my head in a book and don’t come up for air! You are SO right. Thank you for this, I am going to really try to keep my spiritual eyes and ears more open! Lori

  6. Lea Culp

    What a lovely post and I so believe in divine appointments. I’ve had some that I knew were meant especially for me and others that I knew were meant for me to bless someone else.

    Wow, how wonderful that you were chosen for an interview even though you didn’t get the job.

    Blessings to you for a wonderful weekend!