As the new school year begins


A new school year is upon us once again. I’ve seen that school has already started in many places around the country. We have one more week of summer here and then start next Monday. I was a teacher before our son was born, and I have always enjoyed this time of year. There are so many possibilities as the teachers and students both have fresh, clean starts.

I would like to encourage you to make it a priority to pray over some specific people this school year. Make a list of names and put them somewhere to remind you to pray for these each day.

1. Pray for your child/children. If you do not have children of your own, think of one or two children you know from your neighborhood or church. Make a commitment to pray for these children daily by name. Pray for their safety as they are at school and traveling to/from school. Pray for their minds to be able to learn. Pray for them to stand up boldly against peer pressure.

2. Pray for your child’s friends and classmates. Pray for good friendships to develop and that your child will be a positive influence in the lives of his/her classmates. Pray for the students to be able to get along with one another.

3. Pray for your child’s teacher. Teachers have an important role that we sometimes take for granted. Pray for them by name and remember to lift up him/her as well as their family in your prayers.  Pray that the teachers in your child’s life will realize they are appreciated (and do what you can to show them your appreciation). Pray that they will truly care for their students and that the students will know they matter. Pray that they will have positive attitudes as they deal with so many issues on a daily basis and that they will remember why they became teachers in the first place.

4. Pray for the other school staff, including the administration, counselor, nurse, therapists, psychologists,  secretaries, instructional aides, bus drivers, coaches, lunch ladies, and librarians. So many people come in contact with your child and each of these play an important role in helping the school run smoothly. Pray for blessings for these people and that they will realize how valuable they are to the school.

5. Pray for the families who are homeschooling their children. More and more families are homeschooling now, and we need to remember to pray for these too.  What they are doing matters greatly and they need our prayers.

Do you have any others you would add to the list as the year begins?  I hope you will join me in praying for these people. It may seem obvious to pray for these, but I think it is important to be reminded because sometimes I know I forget. Also, I know it would mean a lot if you would send a note or email and let them know you are praying for them this year.

Let’s pray without ceasing (I Thessalonians 5:17) and cover our children, teacher, and schools with our prayers this year.

Have a day of blessings!

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2 thoughts on “As the new school year begins

  1. Iris

    What a great reminder, Bethany. We do need to pray for children, especially those are starting with school again.