At Your Word I Will

“As you wish,” were his last words before he tumbled down the mountainside. Those words gave away the masked man’s identity to Buttercup. It was Wesley, her one true love, and those words changed everything. Buttercup immediately threw herself down the mountain to be reunited with him. “As you wish,” had been his response to her every whim in times past. His love for her had made him eager to do as she desired in order to please her, so much so that those words became an identifying trait that reunited the two characters from The Princess Bride.

“But Simon answered and said to Him, ‘Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net’” (Luke 5:5).

With these words, Simon was saying “as you wish,” to Jesus. When he did, it changed everything. He took in his largest catch because he was willing to obey. The professional fisherman in Simon knew that after a night of no results, casting the nets again — even if on the other side — would be futile. He did it anyway just because Jesus said so.

This brought inexplicable results and changed the course of Simon’s life. He laid down his nets to devote himself to Jesus for a lifetime of opportunities to see what God would do when he said, “At your word, I will… .” Love grew through Peter’s faith and obedience.

So what about you? What is God asking you to do? It may take faith. It may take blind obedience motivated by love. But it might bring about incredible results and change your life forever. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be known to our one true love — Jesus — by the way we respond to his commands with, “As you wish.”?

“If you love me, you will keep my commands” (John 14:15)

***Would you like to read more? You’re welcome to visit my personal blog:  Everyday Ordinary Dawnings

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