Make your words count!

For the past couple of days, I have been nursing an infected lymph node in my throat. It hurts to swallow. It hurst to move my head. And it hurts to talk. To help the inflammation go down, I tried not to talk too much.

Have you ever considered how difficult this could be?

I am a writer, so my world is all about words. I not only like to write them, I like to speak them. And to refrain from talking was not an easy task for me. It is said that the average person will speak about 10,000 words a day. Some more. Some less. 10,000 words in one day is saying a whole lot!

Just think what our world would be like if we did not have words. It would be difficult to order food in the drive thru. We would not be able to convey our thoughts or emotions. We would never be told “I love you”.

I wonder if we really understand the importance of words?

Whether we are speaking to ourselves or to others, words can be one of the most powerful forces that we have. I suppose that is why God spoke so often throughout His Word about our tongue. Our tongue, or our speech, can bring life or death. Each of us has the ability to choose which words to speak, and what tone to use.

“You offspring of vipers! How can you speak good things when you are evil (wicked)? For out of the fullness of the heart the mouth speaks.” MATTHEW 12:36

Since my words have been few these past few days, I was curious as to what the “fullness” was that Matthew speaks of, so I did a word study…

The original word for FULLNESS  was the word “perisseuma”, which means “pieces left over.” In other words…surplus.

If each of us speaks 10,000 words a day…I wonder, how many of those are just “surplus” words. Words or thoughts that are just left over, unneccesary words, words that are not committed to God. If we would commit our ways, our thoughts, and most definetly, our words to God, then I would dare say that we would never have a surplus. Each word that came out of our mouth would be edifying, uplifting, encouraging and honorable to God! Each word would have a spiritual purpose.

But since both you and I know that not ALL words that we speak do those things, I wonder how we can make sure each word we speak counts! Did you know that the words that we speak don’t really start with our mouth afterall? It starts in our mind. Each word starts out as a thought, that enters into our heart and then slides out of our mouth.

I know some people who feel it is alright to speak whatever is on their mind. They don’t cushion things. They don’t hold back. Even though I agree that we should be able to speak our mind, there is a time and place to do it. And a way to do it. If you know that your words are going to bring destruction, or offense, it may be better to remain silent.

“For by your words you will be justified and acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned and sentenced.” MATTHEW 12:34-37 (Amplified)

It is very sobering to me to know that my words have this kind of power! It is my prayer that we will pay more attention to those 10,000 words a day that we speak. May we not be so care-free with our speech and for those “surplus” words that we have…may we realize that those too we will be held accountable for.

I implore you, choose your words carefully today.

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