God is NOT to blame!

As I sat across the table, listening to my friend pour out her heart, my heart ached for her. Not only because of the many trials that she seemed to be enduring but because in her despair she was questioning where God was in it all. I am sure all of us can say at one time or another we have been where my friend was that day… hurting and asking God the question “Why?”

  • Why would a loving God allow this terrible thing?”
  • “If you loved me God, why can’t I feel You?”
  • “I don’t hear You, why don’t You answer me God?”

Often times, when we hear someone posing these kind of questions, we tend to tell them things like, “It’s alright, everything will work out.” And many times things DO work out, but what about the person who just lost their spouse to cancer? It is difficult in such a moment to see how anything could possibly “work out.”

Often times, when we start questioning things or questioning God, we look to place blame. When things don’t work out, someone must be at fault. If only the doctors ran more tests. If only the boss liked me. If only…If only…If only. We look to blame others for the bad things that happen in our life, and God is included in that blame game.

My friend made a statement to me that caused me to realize that we often have a misconception of the blame game when it comes to God…

“If God was a God of love and desired for His children to have blessing, then why He is allowing all of these bad things to happen to me?”

First of all. God IS a God of love. Trust me, there is no other love like the love of God! And it is because of His love that I can say that I do not believe whatsoever that God makes bad things happen. He is not the author of calamity, hurt and despair. However, I do believe that God allows things to happen that may not always seem good. Sometimes bad things happen just because that is life. Face it, the world we live in is not perfect. Children die. Hurricanes wipe out communities. Wars break out and the innocent perish. None of it seems fair and our infinite minds cannot understand why such things happen. But the truth is that sometimes bad things just happen. The rain will fall on the just and the unjust.

David, the Psalmist, also did not understand difficulties:

Psalm 22:1-2 “My God, my God! Why have you forsaken me? Why do you remain so distant? Why do you ignore my cries for help? Every day I call to you, my God, but you do not answer. Every night you hear my voice, but I find no relief.”

Psalm 42:9 – “O God my rock,” I cry, “Why have you forsaken me? Why must I wander in darkness, oppressed by my enemies?”

Psalm 43:1-2 – “O God, take up my cause! Defend me against these ungodly people. Rescue me from these unjust liars. For you are God, my only safe haven. Why have you tossed me aside? Why must I wander around in darkness, oppressed by my enemies?”

Even David asked the “Why” question. But in the asking, he came to realize that he couldn’t go thru the difficulties without God. Next time you find yourself asking those tough “why” questions, ask yourself this…

“Instead of blaming God, Am I willing to allow Him to walk me thru my difficulty?”

God loves us and there is NOTHING that happens that does not escape Him. He may not have caused the difficulties in your life, but you need to know that He is aware of it and He will see you thru it, if you will allow Him to.

4 thoughts on “God is NOT to blame!

  1. Cindy Peplaw

    Wow, love this!!! I know from my own personal experience and storms that I am facing even now that I have asked the question “Why?” several times. I did not blame God nor would I but I did blame my soon to be ex-husband and others involved. As time went on I did forgive everyone involved and especially my ex-husband. I faced one storm right after another and still facing them even now. It is getting easier but that is because I have given it all over to God and let Him take control. God spoke to me and gave me incredible strength that I never knew I had. God allowed these storms for a reason and I know that I have grown closer to the Lord in a much higher level and my faith in Him has increased even more. I thank God for the storms in my life for they have made me who I am now and I consider them a blessing. I pray that my testimony will one day be an inspiration to others and help them in their own journey. God allows things in our life to happen for a reason that we may never understand why but we have to trust Him and know His reasons are best and His timing is best!!! Thank you for this beautiful and inspiring post!!! Love you and Blessings to you!!!