“September 12” People

May I be a “September 12th” person.

Yesterday we remembered the 10th anniversary of September 11.

There were many services, memorials, TV specials, and movies to commemorate this life-changing event in our American history.  Most Americans spent at least a few moments honoring those who died in these attacks and praying for the families of those fallen.  Many churches offered special services. Even the sports events of the day- yes, even Sunday football- made 9/11 the focus of the day.

Do you remember where you were that fateful day?  I think most of us can recall exactly where we were and our reactions to the events.  But, do you remember who you were and what you felt on September 12th?

What I remember so vividly was how we came together as a country.  Things like race and political party didn’t matter.  We, as a nation, fell to our knees in prayer, crying out to God. We were unified.  We were one.  One nation under God. We wanted to help our neighbors…..comfort one another……DO SOMETHING.

Over the past 10 years, have we, as a people, as a CHURCH, lost some of that “spirit”?  Do we still go out of our way to help our neighbor, make a difference, or fall to our knees in our prayer?

One of the most stirring moments of this past weekend was the memorial service of those who GAVE their lives on Flight 93.  This was the flight that knew what was happening and heroically decided to take action.  They took over the plane and crashed it into a field in Pennsylvania to avoid the terrorists completing their plan and hitting their intended target.  They willingly died to protect others.

In his speech, President Bush said,  “With their selfless act, the men and women who stormed the cockpit lived out the words, ‘Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends‘.” (John 15:13)

What a powerful reminder.

What a powerful picture.

Jesus laid down His life for us.  Willingly. Bravely.

He calls us to do the same.

We, the people of September 12th, but more importantly, the Church of Jesus Christ, are to LAY DOWN OUR LIVES FOR ONE ANOTHER.

We may never be called to storm a cockpit or run into burning buildings, but Jesus calls us to DIE- to ourselves, our will, our selfish desires, our pride- and live for others.  Jesus calls us to help the hurting, mend the broken hearts, share the hope we have with the lost……

Lord, may I be a “September 12th” person.  May I truly love others the way You would have me love them.  May I “lay down my life for my friends.”

To watch the clip of President Bush’s speech, click here.

11 thoughts on ““September 12” People

  1. Debbie

    Tracy, I want to be a September 12 person too! I watched many of the ceremonies and remembrances yesterday and found tears running down my cheeks several times. Thank you for including a link to a clip of President Bush’s speech.

    Blessings and love,

  2. Amy

    It’s scary to contemplate DYING to self or for others, but with God, somehow the fear eases and loses its paralyzing effect. I know my calling, and I want to be a September 12th person, too!

  3. Amy P Boyd

    I, too, want to always be a 9/12 person. To always be looking to reach out and offer food,water or even a shoulder to cry on whenever it is needed.

  4. Iris

    You are right, Tracy; we are called to love others and put off our own selfishness. May be reminded of that every day and act on it.

  5. LaurieLaurie Adams

    Amen and AMEN! I could not agree with you more. Such tragedy came on 9/11 but may we never forget what we saw that day and may we all be compelled to serve, love and honor others like those on 9/12 did. Selflessly. Compassionately. and Christlike. Great post!