Keep swimming, just keep swimming.

There are so many things in this world that I just do not understand. For instance, I do not understand how electricity flows thru the wall and makes a light turn on. I also do not understand how I can place a seed in the ground and after a short time, a beautiful flower blossoms.

Some things are just hard to understand, but yet, some amazing things come out of it.

Lately I have been thinking about some things in my life. As I have tried to make rhyme and reason out of some things, I have come to the conclusion that some things are just not for me to understand.

Instead, it is like the electricity that I can’t see…I have to just trust. Everytime I flip the light switch, it is an act of trust that the electricity waves that I don’t understand will make the room illuminate with brightness.

Not understanding but yet trusting makes me think of the children of Israel who were finally set free after years and years of slavery. As they began to march to their freedom, they marched straight to the Red Sea. As they looked around they saw impassable mountains on both sides of them and the sea straight in front of them. As they looked behind them, the Egyptian army was in hot pursuit after them.

No matter which way they looked, it appeared that they had come to a dead end. There seemed to be nowhere to turn. I am sure at this point, they were questioning what exactly was going on. How difficult it must have been for the children of Israel to understand why God would allow them to come this far, only to come up to a dead end.

But God understood even if they didn’t.

God knew exactly what He wanted to do. He had not made a mistake. He could see what they could not see. He opened up the Red Sea so they could walk through to safety. Years later, the Israelites looked back  and sang,  “Your road led by a pathway through the sea—a pathway no one  knew was there!”  (Psalm 77:19 LB).

Maybe you feel like you are up against a dead end! Or like there is nothing in front of you but raging sea waters. You may not understand but God knows and He already sees a path that we may not see. As the Israelites came close to the Red Sea, God opened up the waters and gave them direct passageway across to the other side. Not only did God make a way, but He even made it possible for the Egyptians to NOT have access across. As the Israelites crossed over, the waves came crashing back down, drowning out the enemy.

The closer we get to the water, and place our trust in Him, He will lead us safely across. We just have to trust Him and keep swimming!

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your  own  understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your   paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)

Some things are just not for us to understand. But we can still trust in the Lord and all of His ways! Are you swimming or are you drowning?




5 thoughts on “Keep swimming, just keep swimming.

  1. Iris

    It is always comes back to trusting Him. I do not understand some of His ways, but I do trust Him that He knows what is best for me.

  2. Jo Royal

    Yes! This is a great reminder that God has it all under control. Getting closer to that water can be very difficult though, especially when there is a fear of ridicule. Still when we know we are following God’s plan we really do need to put our absolute trust in Him and keep going, despite how ridiculous our circumstances may appear. I needed this reminder today, thank you.

  3. bethany

    Wow, I love this verse you shared from Psalms. Our lesson Sunday morning with the 4 year olds was about the crossing of the Red Sea. Such a great, encouraging story of God’s faithfulness and our need to trust Him.