The Always Faithful Promise Keeper

I made lots of promises to my children when I was a young, naïve, inexperienced mom. Things like:

  • Yes, we will go to the park tomorrow. I promise.
  • Yes, Susie can spend the night this weekend. I promise.
  • Yes, Daddy will be home in time for dinner. I promise.

After years of hearing “but you promised,” I eventually learned to be very careful about making promises to my kids. Why? Because sometimes no matter how much I tried or how badly I wanted to keep a promise I had made, I discovered that often there were circumstances beyond my control. Now, my promises are almost non-existent. I am not a promise-maker.

But my God is a promise-maker. Better than that, He is a promise-keeper. He has the power to keep them. There are never circumstances beyond His control, never situations He didn’t foresee. I can’t trust in and cling to the promises of God.

The glorious truth that we can firmly trust in the promises of God is like an anchor for our souls. (See Hebrews 6:19.) This hope holds us fast and secure as the waves toss us about. We may get a little seasick, but we won’t drift away and we won’t sink!

When God makes a promise we can hold fast to it, hope in it, because we can trust that He will keep His promises. He cannot lie; He will not break His promises. Hold fast today to our faithful promise-keeper.

Blessings today!  Kathy

4 thoughts on “The Always Faithful Promise Keeper

  1. TiAnna Mae

    Amen! God’s promises are the only things that keep me sane most of the time. Otherwise we’d have no hope, and may as well become worry-warts!

  2. Iris

    Amen to that Kathy; I can attest to His faithfulness and that indeed keeps His promises.

    I like what you said: “…We may get a little seasick…” Yeah, the weaves of life can me really rough sometimes.