My Favorite Thing!

I live in a strange and wonderful home. It is a place of adventure, filled with playful fun and a family who is on a life-journey together.

I live with my mommy who is blonde. Like me! Then there is Master, whose voice is kind. My Girl, another blonde like me(!), once was small and kinda wobbly but today she is tall and hates bugs.

I like bugs.

My favorite thing is to sit on the couch with my family at night and listen as they talk. They don’t know that I am always listening. hee hee But, I listen with my ears perked and my eyes closed. My family speaks with thoughtfulness to each other and they tell stories about their adventures during the day. Sometimes they talk about this peculiar place called school.

I know school. I ride along in the car in the mornings on the way to this strange place where all manner of exciting commotion occurs. Sometimes the window is down and it is especially fun. My favorite thing! But, My Girl always gets out and she leaves me for almost the whole day. I am sad when she leaves.

Mommy and My Girl chat as we sit and Mommy rubs my back. My favorite thing! They often talk about this man named Jesus and His Daddy who lives in heaven. My Mommy will often get the giggles as she tells My Girl about what I did during the day. She says that I remind her of Daddy’s unconditional love for us.

Last night as we “packed” on the couch, Mommy told My Girl about how I waited for just the right moment to sneak out of the house and run away. Mommy was bringing in groceries from the car and slowly and on purpose, I walked behind her to get a smell of the great outdoors. My favorite thing!

I didn’t mean to run away. I just happened to notice just the biggest temptation in the whole world across the street. It was Cleo. Meow.

“GAME ON.” I will be right back after I have some fun. Mommy will never miss me.

I chased after Cleo. Rats she ran away. Then I smelled something wonderful and stinky. My favorite thing! Curious, I followed the smell. I then heard fun laughing and whistling, I wondered further. As I turned the corner looking for the laughing, I no longer knew where I was.

I WAS LOST! Waaaaaaaahhh! whimper, whimper, whine.

Around the corner the laughter disappeared, only a big mean beast with bared teeth was standing there looking at me. I was so scared.

I turned to run. That’s when I saw her. I saw my Mommy. She was running for me as fast as she could. I ran as fast as I could. My trimbly legs almost gave out.

Mommy scooped me up into her safe arms. She whispered out of breath, “Will you never learn? You are not safe outside of my home.”

She continued in a slightly frustrated yet relieved voice, “I love you- you crazy adventurous nut. But you are driving me crazy with your disobedience.”

Mommy told My Girl all about my scary day. She said, “Aren’t so many of us just like our Peanut? He knows there are dangers out there. He has felt the bite of the beasts before. In fact, we are still paying the vet bill for his last adventure, yet he still wonders away in search of glory and a good bone.”

Mommy looked at My Girl with emotion in her voice and said, “And isn’t it just like God to chase after us every time when we wonder off thinking there is fun ahead- unaware of the dangers. God hurts when we are bitten by the beast. But, He loves us anyway, every. single. day. He never gives up hope that we will listen to His voice. And, He always comes running as fast as He can when we turn to Him.”

Mommy said, “Then He carries us safely home. -My favorite thing!”peanutblog

My Mommy would love for you to visit her today at her place. Arf, arf, arf, woofity, woof, woof. Peanut

Find me daily at

Originally posted May, 2009. One of my favorites. Hugs, Lynn

10 thoughts on “My Favorite Thing!

  1. Noreen Taylor

    Hi there, Girl I absolutely love this post and if that is your peanut-can I trade him for a quilt? What an incredible analogy; you had mentioned doing a blog from a dogs point of view-great job Lynn.
    Miss you girl, so very thankful for you and the work the Lord has done through you. Maybe there is an analogy about ants that won’t leave, keep coming back and little sins in our lives?
    Have a blessed day sis.

  2. Heather

    Great analogy! And I love the different perspective! Thanks, Peanut, for sharing your Mommy and Your Girl with us!

  3. Gail McKinney

    That was a great story. Dog lover that I am, I really identified with it!! Thanks Lynn!!

  4. Iris

    So true, Lynn; He always has His arms open when we run back to Him; He is faithful even when we are faithless.

    Thank you for the reminder that we always have our Father in Heaven who will scoop us back up into His loving arms.

  5. LynnLynn

    Love you Iris. How are you doing??? I’m thinking I am over due in sending you a GIANT hug. HUGGING YOU. I love you my friend. Have a great holiday weekend. Lynn