From the garden

We have enjoyed having a small garden in our backyard this year. Growing up we always planted a variety of vegetables. Two favorites for me each year were squash and tomatoes. I remember one year filling up a pink baby carriage with little cherry tomatoes. Often we had so many tomatoes that Mom would make quarts of tomato juice for my Peepaw. In the past few years we have never been able to grow much in our gardens.  However, we were excited to grow both tomatoes and squash successfully this year in addition to a watermelon vine.

While tending the garden I have found many applications to our spiritual lives. I would like to share some of those today.

1. Growth takes time.
The day after we planted our tomatoes we did not go out and find big red tomatoes to pick. We waited many weeks until we found small green tomatoes growing. Then it took even longer for them to ripen. At one point I wasn’t sure they were going to ever get ripe because it seemed to take so long!

As Christians we are supposed to grow in Christ. It isn’t necessarily easy though and definitely takes time. God sometimes brings us through trials or storms to help us grow. These times are intended to mold and shape us to be like Him. Are we dedicated to spending the time to grow, change, and wait for results?

2. Water is life-giving.
We’ve had several days of 100+ degree temperatures. I water daily for the most part, but on these days especially, when the sun is beating down on the tender plants, I sometimes spend extra time watering. If not, the leaves begin to wilt from lack of water. The plant cannot thrive if it does not have adequate water.

As Christians we need a supply of water too. One of the ways Jesus describes Himself is as living water. He told the woman at the well– “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” (John 4:13, 14) Who is your water source? Do you need to spend some time being refreshed at the well? Don’t try to quench your thirst with things of this world. Only Living Water will truly satisfy.

3. Weeds grow.
After we tilled our soil and then put our little plants in the ground, it did not take long to see weeds growing. I found myself regularly hoeing out those pesky weeds. Even then they continued to show up. I knew I could not give up or they would easily grow out of control and overtake the plants. I did not want the health of our vegetables compromised so I continued to spend the extra time in the garden with the hoe to get rid of as many as possible.

What weeds are popping up in your life? Do you even recognize them as weeds? Do you need to spend some time getting rid of things like anger, lust, greed, worry, jealousy, or discontent? These can all grow very quickly and get out of control if we are not paying attention. In the parable of the sower (Matthew 13:1-23), Jesus says that the thorns grow up and choke out the plants. That is what the sin does in our lives. Weeds rob us of the life God has for us.

4. The harvest is worth the wait.
Our squash plant grew very large, and we enjoyed delicious squash night after night for supper. Now the tomatoes are red, and I’m picking so many that we’ve been able to share with others. It seems almost everyone enjoys homegrown tomatoes! It has been fun to watch the watermelons get bigger and bigger right before our eyes. They taste so yummy too! All the work and watering in the heat is worth it! It is wonderful to enjoy the produce and have the satisfaction of knowing we tended the plants and helped each one to grow.

As Christians we are to be lights for Jesus and plant seeds in all we say and do. We may never see the final outcome of the seeds we plant here on earth; however, someday in Heaven we can see the lives we influenced for our Lord. The time and effort spent planting seeds here on earth will definitely be worth it in eternity.

I encourage you today to take some time to take care of your personal garden. Be patient in times of growth. Seek the refreshing Living Water. Get rid of the weeds. Invest time in the seeds you have planted along the way. It will all be worth it!

Have a day of blessings!

2 thoughts on “From the garden

  1. Iris

    What great analogies. It is true, tending a garden takes time and so does our growth in our faith walk.

    Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom with us.