How Do You Get Rest and Refreshment?

quietness and rest

Quietness and rest seem to feel very foreign to me lately. Busyness has slowly crept into my life.

I work in a private school. For the past four years, Heidi and I have worked together. As I prepare to say goodbye to our Pre-K 3 class, I’m also preparing to say goodbye to my co-worker and friend. I don’t like goodbyes. We talk of getting together but I know how busy life can become.

In the midst of wrapping up the school year, I’m preparing to lead our school’s summer camp. So there’s no break between end of school and the beginning of new responsibilities. Add to that early morning video conferences and long hours …well frankly I’m tired.

My dad flew into Phoenix for the weekend. He had visited his sister in California and she arranged for his ticket to include a stop in Arizona. We had a world wind weekend of catching up and having fun together.

But now, I take a deep breath realizing my need for some quiet time. Quietness and rest are alluding me. I read in the Scriptures:

“In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength.” Isaiah 30:15

How I need that rest!  My aging body is tired but my Spirit is alive and well. So I spend my time getting refreshed in the Word. As I read my Bible and pour out my heart to Jesus, He fills me. As I go out into the world, His love overflows from me to others.  It’s the the only way I can live.

Little children are active and busy. I love how they crowd around me showing me their boo-boos and telling me stories about their life. Suddenly they will stop and look at me and say “I love you”. Such innocent faces who haven’t yet been hurt, they speak words so sweetly that touch my heart. Oh how I will miss them as they venture on to their next school year.

Although it can be tiring working with little children, I find myself refreshed by their openness and love. No wonder Jesus said in Matthew 19:14: “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these.”

So I ask you again? How do you get rest and refreshment?  Does it take a vacation on the beach?  Or do you long to have some time alone? I’m finding my answer in Isaiah 30:15.

Blessings and love,


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3 thoughts on “How Do You Get Rest and Refreshment?

  1. Gloria PowellGloria Powell

    My “alone time” with my Bible and time to pray is my rest and relaxation, sometimes by whole mind and body seem burned out but just a time alone with His Word and His Holy Spirit and I am ready”to jump over a troop and leap over a wall”. Blessings Gloria

  2. Sherry

    My time outside on my back deck behind my little cottage that I rent, is where I find my rest and relaxation in The Lord. I love listening to the birds, digging around in all my potted flowers, and listening to the river that flows down beneath. It is such a heavenly sanctuary!