The LOVE dare challenge

Today, I started the 40 day LOVE DARE challenge with my husband. Many of you are familiar with the ever popular movie “FIREPROOF” which was based on the reunion of hearts when a husband went on a 40 day DARE adventure to love his wife unconditionally.

After 28 years of marriage, you would think that WE would not need to fire proof our marriage. I mean really? After all … I AM married to a pastor, so certainly we must have it all together. Right?

WRONG! Every relationship needs nurturing and protecting. Even though I can say that I am married to an “almost” perfect man, and we have had an “almost” perfect marriage and we parent 4 wonderful, “almost” perfect children … it still needs improvement!

We are at a place of an “almost” empty nest and we want to be sure that our marriage is as strong today as it was yesterday and we strive to make it even stronger tomorrow than what it is today. Like anything else, to make something strong, we must put reinforcements in place …so this explains our quest to go on this 40-day love dare challenge with each other.

As I began to read the introduction of our daily journal, something jumped off of the page to me…”This book is about love. It’s about learning and daring to live a life filled with loving relationships. And this journey begins with the person who is closest to you…”

After reading that, something in my spirit turned and turned. I tried to fight it all day, but finally I surrendered to God. Not only was He asking me to strengthen my marriage with my husband but God was challenging me to strengthen my relationship with Him (God)! If this book that I held in my hand suggests that the journey begins with the one closest to me, wouldn’t that (shouldn’t that!) be my heavenly Father?

So today was the first day for me to grow closer to love. God has DOUBLE DARED me … Not only to grow in love with my husband all over again, but secondly to understand what God’s love really, truly means to me.

1 CORINTHIANS 13:13 “Now these three remain: FAITH, HOPE, AND LOVE. But the greatest of these is love.”

He is calling me to a higher level of relationship with Him … want to join me? I double dog DARE you!!

Visit  me daily over at my blog:

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8 thoughts on “The LOVE dare challenge

  1. DanaDana

    We start this next week in our small group. Honestly I wasn’t all that excited about it, but this has gotten me excited now. Thank you 🙂

  2. eph2810

    How cool that you are undertaking this Love dare challenge with your beloved. Like you said, even after that many years of marriage we still need to work on it; especially when the children are all gone.
    Neat that this challenge also helps you to come closer to God.

  3. Glenda

    Hmmmm….Brad got me this book last YEAR for my birthday! It has been in and out of boxes since we moved – but maybe we need to find it!!!! 🙂

  4. Kathy C.

    My hubby and I did the Love Dare a few months ago…it’ll be a blessing to you and your hubbins no matter what state your marriage is in. 🙂 Have fun with it! Blessings. 🙂

  5. bp

    I have been hearing them talk about the Love Dare on KLove. We have the book and haven’t done it yet. But I do want to at some point. Thanks for sharing!


  6. missy

    How an you use the Love Dare when your husband has walked out and filed for divorce. You know its not what you want but anger and resentment are there everytime you talk. Its torn apart the family and the kids are suffering also. I love my husband and have no where to turn