Perfect Peace


Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Isa. 26:3 (KJV)

You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. Isa. 26:3 (NIV)

You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!  Isa. 26:3 (NLT)


Do you seem a theme emerging? Or  am I just stuck in mindless repetition?    I have listed this verse in all three translations because I am desperate to master the art of “staying my mind” on God.   Keeping it steadfast.  Trusting in Him.  Because I love Him.  But also because I need to find that perfect peace!!!

I am convinced that we (worriers) practice the skill of  worrying so much, that we become quite proficient at it.  Take me for instance.  I have reached the expert level now. I can worry about something without even consciously thinking about it.  Impressive, right?   Depressive is more like it!

Thus, I have begun the journey to find the trick to “staying” my mind.  As a chronic multi-tasker, I have split the tracks of my mind so much that I now have problems focusing on just one thing at a time.  I am almost bored if I am only driving a car or watching television.  This  “keep busy” culture that we live in is counter-productive to most of the things that are important to us.  Yet, once you begin the cycle of piling your plate (of things to do) to over-flowing,  it is impossible  to go back to a regular sized plateful.

I have been working on trying to “reset” my mind throughout the day to think upon the things of the Lord.  To center myself with Him at the control tower, and me under His care.   Some days this is done with great success… other days, not so much!  Oh, that I could learn to believe again with child-like abandon.

Recently I was sharing coffee and giggles with some precious sisters in the Lord.  Two of us were fretting over how to find God’s direction for our lives and ministries.  The third said, “Girls, why  don’t you just trust Him to take care of it, rather than trying to figure it out?”  Why, indeed?  I have no answer.  I should  do  that.  I am just not sure what that would look like in practicality!

Do you, like me, struggle with a mind that will not rest? One that refuses to “stay” on God?  If  so, then please join me in this prayer of commitment:

Dear Lord, I do not even know  how to begin to trust in you like that.  But I want to learn!  Forgive me for the sin of pride that causes  me to want to figure things out for myself.   Help  me to  release it all into your strong, capable hands.   Teach me,  Lord, to rest and trust.  Convict me when my mind starts running wild.  Give me concrete action steps that I can take to line up with these scriptures.  I long for your perfect peace!  I desire to have a steadfast, trusting mind that is fixed on You!

Teach me, Father, the art of resting in you.   Believing.  Trusting.  Help my mind to be reigned in, controlled by Your Spirit, taking every thought captive and making it obedient to Your Word.  In Jesus’ Name.  Amen.



6 thoughts on “Perfect Peace

  1. Iris

    Thank you for the reminder to trust and rest in God. Some days I do just fine (like you), but others I want to fix things myself, but cannot.

  2. LaurieLaurie

    Awesome Word and encouragement! Worrying is second nature to us but God is first, so why not let Him handle it? I don’t know what tomorrow holds, but, hey, I’m gonna let God handle it! ((hugs))

    1. Sherri EvansSherri Evans

      You’re right, Laurie! He is first! And I don’t have enough know how to handle it myself! Bless you!