Nothing Too Small


The sun bounced off the surface of the water, leaving diamonds in its wake. A crisp, cool breeze ruffled the leaves in the small trees planted along the edge of the sidewalk. It was a perfect day for a walk,  one of those days that somehow draws us a little closer to heaven.

I walked breathing in the cool, fresh air and, as often happens when I walk alone, I began to pray. There have been so many desperate needs in recent months – needs that are beyond the ability of mere humans to meet. Apart from the Lord’s intervention, there would be no hope. It is a comfort to place the burden into His capable, gracious hands and know that He hears and answers prayer.

I crossed the street and began walking near the man-made pond, with its fountains shooting plumes of water into the air. The ducks, sunning themselves in the grass,  saw me coming and waddled quickly down  into the water. They have made the long journey from the north and are wary of strangers. A little thought flitted across the my mind as I watched them – a little problem that had been worrisome. I brushed it aside, saying with the mental gesture that I didn’t think it was important enough to pray about. Or more correctly, saying I didn’t think the Lord would want to be bothered by anything so trivial.

In that moment I felt a gentle reprimand – a reminder that there is nothing in my life He considers insignificant. Every need, every care, every sorrow, every struggle, every disappointment, every thing that affects me is important to Him. He is the God who knows “when I sit down and when I rise up;” who is “acquainted with all my ways;” who knows what I will say “even before there is a word on my tongue; whose  thoughts about me, were I to count them, ” would outnumber the sand.” (Psalm 139)

He is the God who “counts the number of the stars; He gives names to all of them.” (Psalm 147:4)  Jesus said of Him, “Are not two sparrows sold for a cent? And yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from Your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Therefore do not fear; you are of more value than many sparrows.”  (Matt. 10: 29-31).

Never doubt the depth of the Father’s love for you. Everything that touches you is important to Him. As far as He is concerned, there is nothing insignificant in your life. It all matters to Him. You can bring Him all of your “impossibles” and all of the little things that don’t seem worthy of His attention. He bends down low and listens. He delights to hear your voice. He longs to draw you close and love you lavishly. You are absolutely safe in His care.



Picture: the little sparrows who have come for a drink from our birdbath – the sparrows He sees and cares for

6 thoughts on “Nothing Too Small

  1. Iris

    You are right, Linda; He does care about all the ‘little’ things in our lives. Thank you for the reminder that we can put out trust in God every step of the way.

  2. Jarrod @ Optimistic Journey

    Hello Linda! I’m so thankful that we can cast our “impossibles” on the Lord. Indeed, He does number every hair on our head. That confirms that He cares enough about us. The scripture says that we are the Lord’s most prized possession. If He cares for the lilies, the birds and the flowers, then I know He cares for me. Nothing is to small! Thanks for sharing, I’m new here and I will definitely be back!

    Jarrod Clark

  3. nance

    my security word is Grace. how nice is that?!
    i see the bird bath in the photo…your place is like a bird bath, in that it is a place to get a drink of nice fresh water. and now you brought it here today. it must be a traveling bird bath.