In HIS Time

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” ~ Philippians 4:6 (ESV)

May I ask you a question this morning? How often have you prayed over an issue in your life, but gave up? Gave up because you felt that no matter how long, how hard you prayed, you didn’t seem to get an answer? That your prayer hit the sealing, bouncing right back at you?

Let me tell you…DON’T give up. Storm the throne room with your prayers. Continue to pray for the salvation of a loved one; a friend who needs a job; healing over a child/friend/mother/father/spouse. God hears you. I just need to tell you that He will answer in HIS time, not ours.

Several weeks ago my morning prayer time was different. My heart was heavy with some issues, so I prayed before my first cup of coffee. What happened next was the first for me…I know that many have had this happened before (maybe even you); I felt a presence in the room — twice it moved right before me. Sure I have felt peace before, but never ever a real presence. I was a little startled about it to say the least. I even emailed a friend afterward asking ‘if I never prayed ‘right‘ before…

Why am I sharing this with you? Because I believe that the presence was real, encouraging me to not stop praying over certain issues (which I had in the past). You see, just recently one of my two-year-old prayer was answered. I also started my prayer journal (once again). I want to make sure that I will not forget a prayer, even if I have to pray it over the next 10 or 20 years…

“Lord of Heaven and Earth. Thank You for Your encouragement not to give up on prayer. Help me to never give up because I feel that my prayer does not work. You have shown me that morning that You hear every single prayer and that You will answer it in YOUR time. I am trusting in Your mercy. In the precious name of Jesus. Amen”

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12 thoughts on “In HIS Time

  1. Kim

    Iris this was soooo encouraging. You have no idea how much. Thank you for sharing your heart about it today. I admit I have given up before but I am trying to be more diligent with it and this was great to read!


  2. debbie

    This was wonderfully encouraging to me this morning. Thanks for sharing it. I too once felt a VERY REAL presence in the midst of prayer and it was soo overwhelming I have never forgotten it. What a blessing. Have a wonderful day. Blessings to you, Debbie

  3. LaurieLAURIE

    I BELIEVE in prayer! He never lets me down when I wait upon Him! I appreciate this encouraging Word today Iris! ((hugs))

  4. bp

    Praise God for answers to prayers. I posted on Sunday how God had answered a prayer quickly and that was just so encouraging to me to keep on praying the other prayers about the bigger things that don’t have answers yet.
    Thanks, Iris. May God bless your day!

  5. Lori

    Oh Iris thank you for the encouragement to not give up on dreams we may have. Our timing might not be God’s timing, but he is just saying “wait a little bit.” Amen.

  6. Kim Avery

    I love your account of your prayer time with God. I know that there are just times when I ‘grow weary in well-doing’ and God always finds a way to remind me that all things are possible with Him.

  7. LindaLinda

    Thank you for such sweet encouragement Iris. It is true, I sometimes get discouraged when heaven seems silent. However, His silence does not mean He is not listening and working things on my behalf.
    Thank you for this.

  8. Debbie

    Sweet Iris, what perfect timing for you to write this post. I sometimes get very tired of praying the same thing over and over and not seeing results. But I will not give up as I know it is something that is God’s Will.

    Love you,

  9. Bernadine

    Thank you for this encouraging post Iris. This is just the reminder I need today as I continue to pray over a situation that God seems to be taking extra long to attend to.

  10. LynnLynn

    Oh girl, this is awesome… I have been praying for 18 years come this Sunday. I will NEVER stop praying. Excellent post. hugging you. Lynn