Are you worried?

Are you a “worry wort?” 

That’s what my mom used to call it and boy, does she fit the bill to a “t”!  She worries about everything from the price of gas to a mosquito bite becoming infected. I try not to tell her when anyone in our family is sick because she lets her imagination take over, sure that this cold is something just terrible!

But, did you know that God tells us NOT to worry?  He says don’t worry about anything, but pray about everything.  Don’t worry about the economy?  Don’t worry about the price of gas?  Don’t worry about my kids?  Don’t worry about ailing parents?  God says don’t worry about anything!  Instead, take it  to Him in prayer.  Tell Him your concerns.  Tell Him about  your anxieties.  But, lay it at His feet.  And, while you may be thinking, “That’s easier said than DONE,” when we CHOOSE to take every worry to God in prayer, telling Him our concerns, an amazing thing happens.  We are filled with peace that we can’t explain.  And, while our situation may not change right away- we can rest in a God who is taking care of our every need.

So…. when those worries sneak back in the corners of your mind, take them captive, sayinyg “I know God, You have good plans for me.  I know You are watching over me.  I know You have all things under control.  I cast my cares on You. I trust You.  I release it to You.”  And if those pesky worries come back  a hundred times a day, pray to God, giving it to Him a hundred times a day!

“Don’t worry about anything, instead pray about everything.  Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He done.  Then you will experience God’s peace which exceeds anything we can understand.  His peace will guard your heart and mind as you live in Christ Jesus.”  Philippians 4:6-7

Thirsty for Him,


10 thoughts on “Are you worried?

  1. Marie Kelley

    How true-easier said than done!!! I have actually gotten so much better at laying it at God’s feet. So much so that my husband-who isn’t quite as spiritual as me [something I pray will change!]-sometimes gets mad at me because I am too calm about things!
    This posts hits so close to home with me right now!!

  2. Joanne

    God spoke through you my beautiful friend. I am now working at Starbucks and interrupted my hubby who is with me to share your devotion. This morning I was taggin along with Paul to his court hearing. I popped in the “How to Write a Book” CD from the She Speaks conference, and what scripture was she speaking on? YUP…Phil. 4:6-7. I have a stress induced cold sore sprouting on my lip right now. I rarely ever get those. My neck has been tightening up because I have less than two weeks to finish this book proposal and the more I do, the less I understand.

    Your devotion this morning was straight from His throne room.

    Bless you friend.

    Love, Joanne

  3. Shoua

    Boy, do I need this. You can know a lot in your head, but to transfer it to your heart is another thing. Worry is a plague. I have to remember that. Satan comes only to still, kill and destroy and he will through anything at you to get you off track. This week I’ve really just been worried about things that has happened before and God came through for me. I don’t know why I chose to worry. Your post woke me up. Thanks.

  4. Marsha

    I have a mother like that, too. As a matter of fact, I can get like that occasionally. Then I have to confess it as what it is, sin, and proclaim Him as truth that He is in control and I’m not.

    Thank you for this post.

    Have a blessed weekend.

  5. eph2810

    I do worry at times, but when I when things are really heavy on my heart, He has a way to calm me. Either via a hug from a loved one, an email with Scripture…He is faithful and does help me to calm down…

    Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom with us.

  6. Shalee

    The nice thing about praying when worries come your way is that you find that you don’t worry nearly as much over time!

    Plus, when you do have a situation enticing you to worry, you can truly learn the meaning of praying with out ceasing!

  7. LynnLynn


    Powerful scripture. My Mother-in-law is also this way. She is scared to go outside for fear of a misquito bite and West Nile. God did not give us a spirit of fear but one of power and self-control. Why should we worry…. Great post.

  8. Mari Taylor


    Thank you so much for this post. I really needed to hear this. My company is in the final days before a merger is complete. Many will lose their jobs. We’ve been told no one’s job is safe. So the worries have crept in. i know I need to focus on God and know that He is good! Then I can have peace and send the worries away.