Yesterday (Sunday, February 22nd), our family celebrated my mother’s 92nd Birthday! It’s truly an amazing accomplishment considering the doctor told her parents they would never raise her because of health concerns! To be honest, she is healthier than any of the family members – young and old! Can you imagine…
Winter is here! No doubt, wherever you live, you have felt the effects of Mr. Freeze. Cold temperatures. Snow. And ice. Normally, living in the south means we can count on one hand the wintry storm advisory’s we get, this week has been one of those times. This transplanted southern…
I was 10 minutes late yesterday but not because I wasn’t ready on time. I couldn’t find my keys anywhere! I went from room to room until my daughter pointed out a pile of shiny metal right on the counter by the door! I’m that mom who forgets appointments even…
I would like to think we, the present day Church, are the Church Triumphant as the inspiring song by Bill and Gloria Gaither states. Sadly, many within the Church are asleep, have their heads in the sands of time, or are fearful and just don’t know how to defend their…
When I first met my husband, I was eager to spend time with him and get to know him more. He was a mystery and everything I learned about him was new and exciting! Then, as the layers of his life and personality were revealed to me, we grew closer…