Loving the Church

Therefore, my brothers, you whom I love and long for, my joy and crown, that is how you should stand firm in the Lord, dear friends. Philippians 4:1

Our church recently finished a five month verse by verse teaching in the book of Philippians. As we began to work our way through chapter 4, this particular verse caught my attention. The pastor was explaining how to be spiritually fit by relating correctly to the church. In this verse, Paul calls the church his crown and joy.
The original Greek word for joy in this verse is Chara meaning “to rejoice, Joy, rejoicing, gladness. With and the genitive, with joy, joyfully.” The original word for crown is Stephanos meaning “figuratively, an ornament, honor, that in which one may glory.”

Paul loved the church. He found great joy in the church. The people in the church were his treasures. Seeing the church come to spiritual maturity and grow in relationship and obedience to the Lord Jesus was the reason he did everything he did. No, they did not always get along. Yet he still pressed on with his message and pleaded with them grow and not fall suspect to false teachings.

Sometimes our church family can be frustrating. I admit my guard is constantly up because I feel that false teachings have become so prominent in today’s churches and I want to be aware and testing every spirit. However that guard prohibits me from cultivating and developing friendships with people in my church. I may find out someone likes “that author” or read and liked “that book” or is voting for “that politician.” Immediately the walls go up and I retreat by not allowing myself to become connected with anyone who doesn’t share my exact convictions and theology.

So this sermon was exactly what I needed. I needed to be reminded that the church is not perfect. However, it should be my treasure. It should be my joy – not my menace. This is something I am working on with God’s grace. Even by putting my guard down, I have been able to share some of my convictions with those around me – maybe even persuading a mind or two. I needed to fall in love with my church family – with all their faults and all their misconceptions. God is so much bigger and greater than I can even imagine and I have to trust in His ability to keep everything under His control.

If you struggle with love of your church family let me encourage you to examine the apostle Paul’s example. Remember, we are not always going to agree on every doctrine. We do need to test the teachings and compare everything with scripture. Serious doctrinal errors will need addressing with the proper methods. But overall, we should all learn to love our church family and stand firm on the Word of God.

Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life—in order that I may boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor for nothing. Philippians 2:14-16

7 thoughts on “Loving the Church

  1. LindaLinda

    A beautiful, thoughtful devotional. When we consider that the church is made up of us – imperfect people – we understand that we need to just love each other as Jesus loves us.

  2. eph2810

    You are right, we should compare everything that is taught in our churches with what Scripture says. But like you said – we are not perfect, we all have faults. Our pastor always says “the church is made out of sinners”…

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us.

  3. Marsha

    When we moved to the mountains of NC we had a terrible time finding a church. So many were full of backbiting and steeped in strong traditions. Tradition is not always bad, but in the context here, it was an attitude of it’s ‘my way or the highway’ and don’t even think of getting involved here because you’re not from here.

    Eventually, we found a church that is so full of love and encouragement… it is that Philippian church in my view. Yes, there are some that read some authors that I don’t agree with totally, but we all agree on the basic tenents of Scripture and have agreed to band together on what we agree on and not major in the minors.

    Thank you for this thought provoking post, Renee.

    Have a blessed weekend.