Stand Still

Earlier this year I went through a period of insomnia where for several weeks I couldn’t get to sleep until about 2 or 3 0’ clock in the morning.  (Yes I had some lovely bags under my eyes.) During my period of sleeplessness I talked to a friend who had noticed my lack of energy and visible fatigue at work.  She told me that I was probably worrying about a situation I was dealing with.            

Me, worrying?” I thought.  “I don’t think so.”  As far as I was concerned I had turned the situation over to God and there was no way I could possibly have been worrying.            

Where am I going with this?  Well a week or two after that conversation I suddenly overcame my insomnia and began sleeping through the night.  What came as a surprise to me was that the first night I was able to get a decent night’s sleep was the night I totally knew the situation was fixed.             

Sometimes I don’t want to admit as a Christian that I worry because it seems to say I have no faith.  But, sometimes situations that seem impossible in the natural play over and over in my mind as I try to figure out in my own strength how to work it out.    Those are the times I need to be reminded of these words in 2 Chronicles; 

“You will not need to fight in this battle. Position yourselves, stand still and see the salvation of the LORD, who is with you, O Judah and Jerusalem!’ 2 Chronicles 20:17

 There’s a song that the Gaither’s Vocal Band sing that I love, the chorus says,

Stand still and let God move,
Standing still is hard to do
When you feel you have reached the end, He’ll make a way for you
Stand still and let God move

Standing still at times, like the song says is really hard to do but, worrying changes nothing.  It doesn’t cause things to happen any quicker than in God’s perfect time, it simply gives you a few unneeded bags under the eyes if you’re like me and lose sleep over it. 

Lord, help me to cast my cares on you daily and not worry about things that I cannot control.

Sig Tag Bernadine

6 thoughts on “Stand Still

  1. Angie

    Bernadine—I am so “there”. I know this one by heart. I have wore the band of a “worrier” instead of a warrior for too many years! That’s just what the enemy wants…as long as we are worrying…we aren’t doing as much praying. I love that verse you shared–He will fight our battles for us…HE will see us through…all we have to do is lean on HIM and TRUST in HIM. YOU have blessed me this morning! I love you dear friend!

  2. eph2810

    Amen to that, Bernadine. Yes, we don’t like to admit that we worry, but sometimes do. It takes an outsider (even if they are not a believer), to point out that there is something wrong with us…

    Yes, God fights our battle and there are situations in our lives that we can not control. I have to remind myself to let go and let God…

    Thank you for sharing this timely reminder that the battle is the Lord’s and not ours.

  3. Tea With Tiffany

    Love this “stand still and let God move” lyric. Thank you for the sweet reminder to stop worrying and cast my cares. Sorry you lost some summer sleep, but thankful God used it to speak to your heart. And to mine.

    Peace and rest, my friend,

  4. Marsha

    Oh how many times did I say that to my daugthers when they were little! I’d be trying to clean a scuffed knee and they’d be jumping up and down screaming, “No, Mommy! It hurts!! Don’t touch it!” When they finally realized that by standing still I could cleanse it and make it better, we were all exhausted from the battle.

    Thanks for this wonderful reminder.

    Have a blessed week.