Encourage Yourself

Have you ever had those days when you have to give yourself a motivational talk? Everything around you may look not so great but you tell yourself;

“It’s going to get better.”

“I can do this!”

“Today is going to be a great day!”

In other words, you had to be your own cheering squad of one and encourage yourself.

If you’ve done this before, congratulations you’re in good company.

And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the LORD his God. 1 Samuel 30:6 (KJV)

In this particular chapter David and his men returned home to find that their homes had been raided and all their families taken captive. The part that got my attention was the fact that everyone went home to find the same situation yet some got bitter. David’s two wives were taken captive but the men didn’t think about that. They wanted to stone David as if he had caused the calamity.

I’m reminded that in life sometimes situations play out the same way it did in David’s day. We all suffer loss, we all experience hurt but in the midst of it all some people become bitter and ungrateful. However there are some who find strength in the Lord their God. They find comfort in him and hold on to his promises. Like David they encourage themselves in the Lord their God.

I love the way Donald Lawrence puts it in this song.

Sometimes you have to encourage yourself.
Sometimes you have to speak victory during the test.
And no matter how you feel,
speak the word and you will be healed;
speak over yourself,
encourage yourself in the Lord.

Can I be real?  I found myself needing to encourage myself recently after something happened that left me a bit discouraged. I thought I’d share this post again on the off chance that someone else may feel the same way.

How do you encourage yourself? What’s your favorite “self talk” for the days you’re not quite the joyful Christian you’d like to be?

4 thoughts on “Encourage Yourself

  1. Iris

    I encourage myself daily: looking at the promises God has given me. Joshua 1:9 had been very encouraging to me lately – I have the verse pinned up in my cubicle at work and read it every time I need encouragement (which can be several times a day :))

  2. Charlotte

    So true…we need to be encouraged, even by ourselves. Words are powerful and can build up or tear down. When we remember who we are in Christ, it is very encouraging!

  3. Nancy

    I agree with Iris that scriptural promises offer sublime encouragement. Not long ago I happened upon John 13:7 at the beginning of a difficult time in my life: “You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.” Granted, applying those words to my situation was not in keeping with the context. But my eyes filled with tears that day, as the Holy Spirit used the verse to infuse me with strength, perseverance, and hope.