He is Sovereign. He reigns.

Are you feeling nervous about this election? If you are like me, no matter what happens, you will probably be relieved when it is over! It has been a hard election with much strife, ugly words, bringing division in our country. Even though I am tempted to worry about the outcome,
I do not have to fear. God already knows the outcome. He is not anxious. He is not worried. He is “working all things together for good.”

“Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever; wisdom and power are His. He changes times and seasons; He sets up kings and deposes them.” Daniel 2:20-21

God lifts up rulers and removes rulers. Our hope is not in the king or the next president, but our hope is in God, the maker of Heaven and Earth!

As my good friend, Michelle reminded me, “He is Sovereign. He reigns.”

But, we need to pray!

We need to pray for our leaders.

Pray for the current President.

Pray for the next President.

Pray for the Congress.

Pray for the Supreme Court.

Pray for State Representatives.

Pray for local Representatives.

Pray that God would lead them and guide them and pour out HIS wisdom on them.

Pray for the election.

Pray NOT that God would elect who WE want, but that WE would elect who God wants. Pray that we would be sensitive the leading of the Holy Spirit when we make the choice. Pray that God’s will be done in this United States of America. If you do not live in America, please pray for our country as we elect our next leaders.

“If my people who are called by my name would humble themselves and pray
and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven
and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14

And, rest in His Sovereignty.

Father, we cry out to You! Thank You God that You love us and hear us and forgive us. Heal our country, Lord. We lift up our leaders to You, asking for Your wisdom and guidance. We lift up this election to You, Lord, knowing that You are over it all. You will raise up the leaders according to Your plan and purpose. Thank You, Lord, that we rest in You. You are Sovereign. You do reign. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.

Please visit me at my personal blog.

14 thoughts on “He is Sovereign. He reigns.

  1. Angie

    You are so right Tracy…now is the time to pray like never before! The LORD has these days already in sight…they’ve already been on His chart and plan…we just need to TRUST and pray.
    Our pastor of many years ago had the Church pray and learn for months the 2Chron. verse…it is a favorite!
    This was so timely!

  2. Mommy of two little blessings

    It’s funny how when you start praying, “not my will, but Thine be done”. The effect that prayer has on your whole disposition is amazing. I’m not saying I am successfull as always praying this way, but right now, for our country and the state it’s in, it’s pretty easy. There is nothing I can do to make everything good for everyone. Only God knows what is best for us all. So, I pray,”not my will, but Thine be done”.

    Remember to pray always.

  3. eph2810

    What a powerful post, Tracy. Although I do live in the US, I am not able to vote because of my German citizenship. I do pray that His will be done…
    Thank you so much for sharing from your heart.

  4. Dana

    Thank you for that WONDERFUL reminder! Everyday it seems to get WORSE and WORSE! I find it so odd that we are living in 2008 and people can act like this….

  5. Wanita

    Thanks for your devotional. It’s so important for us to pray for our country and as we pray to remember that God is in control. That’s not easy with all that is happening around us. But we have the wonderful promise that He will never leave us or forsake us. How thankful I am for that!

  6. Tammy

    Thank you Tracy…I needed that today. I was talking with dh last night and voicing my concerns for this election. I have to admit – I have been fearful but I continue to seek the Lord and remind myself He is in control. I have been praying through 2 Chron. 7:14 A LOT lately.

    Thank you so much for this encouraging post!

  7. BP

    I like this:
    “Pray NOT that God would elect who WE want, but that WE would elect who God wants”

    This is so true. Thank you for this reminder of Who is in control of everything.

  8. Amy

    hi Tracy, it’s election time here in NZ too. Ours is in mid November, I have to trust God that no matter where our leaders take us He is always with us.

  9. Edie

    Thank you for posting this Tracy! We do need to pray. Not only now but to keep praying even after the election. I was talking with a friend about this tonight. I know a lot of Christians are very concerned over this election and the condition this nation is in right now. What concerns me is if that concern will cause the “passion to act” to last even after the election. It might just be that many hearts have become too calloused, only calling out to God when things look tough, then going back to the “old ways” after getting our way. I hope that’s not the case. Thanks again Tracy! We NEED this!