Seize the day!

I saw a sign yesterday that read: 

“Summer’s lease hath too short a date.”

~ William Shakespeare


Now I totally agree with the Bard. And it is a perfect sign for Labor Day weekend. 

But I heard people lamenting weeks ago that summer was over! Not only wasn’t summer over then, it still isn’t over now and won’t be until the last week of September.  

Instead of focusing on our disappointment that something is ending or has ended, we should take advice from Dr. Suess who said, 

All too often, we focus on the negative, the disappointments,  rather than heeding the words Paul shared with the Philippians: 

Summing it all up, friends, I’d say you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. Put into practice what you learned from me, what you heard and saw and realized. Do that, and God, who makes everything work together, will work you into his most excellent harmonies. Phil 4:8-9 MSG

Our kids have gone back to school or headed off to college, and we focus on how much we’ll miss them. (Well some might be glad to have that schedule back! )

Or our vacations are just memories now, and we feel weary thinking about how long before the next one comes around.

Or maybe you finished a great experience ~ like my daughter who returned to the US after a year and half in Australia ~ and now have to acclimate to the next phase of your life. 

What about if we, like Paul, made a choice to focus on appreciating the good times we had and change our lamenting to expressions of gratitude to God and to our loved ones? How much do you think that change of focus will that lift our spirits? 

What can you give thanks for today, even if you won’t have it tomorrow?





One thought on “Seize the day!

  1. Iris

    I totally agree with you, Susan. This past Sunday, our pastor was just saying, to not hang on the past, but to joy in each new day. If we don’t, we may miss the blessings of today.