Holding Hands

All day long, my husband the chiropractor, plays Simon Says with his patients. As they lie face down on the table, he’ll instruct them, “Put your left hand behind your lower back.” “Raise your right hand above your head.” And so on. Each of these tests indicates specific vertebrae in need of adjusting.


Eli and Jess

When Jes was on the table, her little Eli sat nearby in his stroller. As she raised her hand above her head, Eli reached out to grab it. So precious!

And so telling of how we must respond when our Savior extends His hand to us.

  • When Peter began to sink after walking on the water, he called to Jesus who extended His hand so they could get safely into the boat. (Matt. 14:31) 
  • When Jesus raised a little girl from the dead, He took her by the hand and said, “My child, get up!” (Luke 8:54) 
  • To man stricken with leprosy, Jesus reached out His hand and touched the man. (Luke 5:13)
  • Jesus took the hand of a boy, lifted him to his feet and cast out the demons that plagued him. (Mark 9:27) 
  • Peter’s mother-in-law was in bed with a fever, but when Jesus touched her hand, she got up and began to serve. (Matthew 8:15)

Each time, someone touched or was touched by Jesus’ hand, healing and restoration took place.

Years ago, when my daughter was about 6 years old, and we were standing side by side in the pew, she asked me, “Why do people raise their hands when they worship?” I was about to answer when it seemed the Lord clamped by mouth shut. Instead, I asked her, “Why do you think people raise their hands when they worship?” To which she replied, “I think that they are holding hands with God.”

From that moment on, I always asked her (and my son) what they thought before I provided my answer!

Her answer revealed so much insight into what our relationship with God ought to be. It was the prophet Micah who said, “He has showed you, O man (or woman), what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”   You might say “… to walk holding hands with God.”

Now just imagine that you are a child holding the hand of your Father. His hand covers yours, and you feel His protection. He is so much bigger than you are. He is gripping you tightly because He doesn’t want to lose you. He doesn’t want any harm to come to you. He wants to protect you, even though sometimes He allows you to reap consequences, because that too, is for your good.

Imagine as you hold His hand where His eyes are. He can see across the street. He can see what lies ahead. He can see where the dangers are, and He can shield you from them. Imagine His vision and realize how limited your vision is. And remember, when a child holds her daddy’s hand, it is gripped and supported – He is doing the holding! It is not nearly as difficult as when you try to keep your hand raised on your own.

Imagine how much the owner of that Hand loves you. How He cares for your every need, even those that you don’t realize you have. How His grip is a confirmation of how you are tenderly loved with a strength beyond your own understanding. Realize that if a great danger were heading your way, how He would push you out of the way, and sacrifice Himself that you might live.

My friends, if you are struggling today to keep from drowning, if you need a healing restorative touch, won’t you grasp the hand that He extends to you? Raise your hand in worship. Use your hand to flip the pages of the Word. Clasp your hands together in prayer. He will never let you go! 


Jes - Eli

Jes and Eli Morales – such love!!








6 thoughts on “Holding Hands

  1. Beth (@SimplyBeth3)

    What a tender post, Susan. Since the Five Minute Friday prompt was hands, I wrote about how I miss the touch of my husband’s hands but shared how God has been my strength…never letting go of my hand. I’m so grateful I walk with Him. Blessings to you.

  2. Barbara Ruglio

    Loved this! Thank you for reminding me how I need to trust Jesus more. As I Praise Him the answers come, the comfort comes, but best of all He comes.