What if no one reads this?

Is it just me or does worrying have to be a prerequisite of motherhood? I worry all the time. When I was growing up I worried, “What if he does not like me?”, “What if I make a total fool out of myself?

Then as I was married, I worried, “What if he can not find a job”, “What if he loses his job?”.

Then I became a Mother, and worrying became my middle name. What if I am not giving my kids enough healthy food? Is juice considered a fruit? What if someone snatches my child? Will I have enough money to buy groceries for the next couple of weeks? What if, What if, What if….

I lived (and I will admit sometimes still do) live in the “what if”. My mind could take me on some wild rides of “what if’s”.

I have found out that this can really affect my joy, and have me convinced I cannot do something before I really tired. I mean what if I failed?

This is why Jesus gave us (me!) a very clear command of “Fear Not”.

Paul tells me, “Do not be anxious about anything,” in Philippians 4:6-7, “but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

I like these verses for two reasons, one Christ tells me he has everything under control and secondly, he also tells me he will “guard my heart and mind”. I really need that guarding, my mind can wander.

Corrie Ten Boom says, “Any concern too small to be turned into a prayer, is too small to be made into a burden.”

One of the best everyday ways to do this is to turn your worry into a prayer. For example, “What if my son hangs around the wrong crowd?” Can be turned into, “Father surround my son with friends that believe in you and have a positive influence on him”. And Father if no one reads this, then I praise you for the lesson and reminder you have just placed on my heart.
Oh my Shar Shalom, my Prince of Peace. You know I am the least to be talking about this subject, for this is a weakness in me. Thank you for the reminder that you have everything under control. And thank you for the promise of guarding my heart and mind. Help me to turn everything over to you with my prayer and petitions, help me to not be anxious for ANYTHING. Amen.

10 thoughts on “What if no one reads this?

  1. Sissy

    I used to have a bookmark that said “Worry can wear you out”…and it certainly can…especially moms!! Turning our worries into prayers is awesom. Lisa Welchel has a great book for this called “The Busy Mom’s Guide to Prayer”.

  2. eph2810

    Amen, Sister. I have those “what ifs” in my head once in a while. But then I remember, like you, that God is in control. He is sovereign. He is almighty. And what ever experiences we have in this life — they make it clear that I can’t change anything – just trust Him.

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts this morning.

  3. LynnLynn

    I can get going on the what if path easily. Turning those worries into prayer is brilliant. Happy Saturday to you Laurel. 🙂

  4. Heather

    Worries to prayers. It never occurred to me to call it that but that is exactly what He has taught me to do. I don’t have it down but what a blessing that in the Spirit we can change even concerns into a blessing.

  5. Amy

    oh this is a good one! Time and time again when things have happened in my life God has always taken it in his hand and worked it out. Thanks for sharing this.