sunset.14So much of the time when we try to live our lives set apart to God; and to the work of God, we forget that we are to follow the whispering of The Holy Spirit of God.  He does not follow us.

We get so busy, wound up in doing for God and making sure not a minute of our time is wasted on this life that we become like a wound up puppet always doing and never really allowing The Holy Spirit to speak gently to us to tell us what to do.

Living like this whirlwind trying to multitask  everything also affects our family and personal life, I mean we have to find God’s will for our husbands, jobs and families.

Each morning before we do the first thing for the Kingdom of God, we must spend time in prayer and waiting for our instructions for the day.

Sometimes what the Holy Spirit tells us is, “Just to relax in Him, listen to Him until we really hear what we need to be doing that day.

I think that The Holy Spirit will always want us to begin our days with communing with Him, reading the WORD of God, and taking some time just digesting what we have just read.

People that are always going to and fro trying to figure out what God wants them to do is like a leaf caught in the wind; it just whirls around and around it is never grounded to really do anything meaningful for God.

It takes time to digest the WORD of GOD so that we really, know what it is telling us for this moment in time.

When we know what The Holy Spirit is speaking to us,  and telling us, there comes the peace that passeth all understanding.

Some days God may just want us to spend as much time as we can just in private communication with Him and His WORD.

Only when we take the time to set our lives apart and spend time with God can we ever really be effective “prayer warriors” and workers for the Kingdom of God.

Only when we take our time and live apart with God spending time with Him can His Spirit operate in us and accomplish mighty things.

Dear Readers if you do not know Jesus Christ as your Personal Savior, please ask Him to come into your heart and forgive you of all you sins right now, blessings Gloria.

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