Treasure Finder

tylertool_2034_29711165I know what this is….and if you have a gadget loving husband…YOU know what this is.  BUT to my 7 year old sweet grandson, this stud finder is a TREASURE FINDER!  I watched him crawl all over our house this past Saturday declaring “here’s some treasure!”  as he held the contraption to the floor.

Of course, it was lighting up due to the heavy beams under the house, but his excitement over every beep and light  made me think about the things we declare as our treasures.  Matthew 6:21 says, “Wherever your treasure is, there your heart and thoughts will also be.” (NLT) 

I know in my house I have many things that are special to me.  I am sure you do as well.  Years ago I  collected little angels.  Then, when dusting became too much of an ordeal, I stopped.  I gave almost all of them away, keeping only a few for decorating at Christmas.  Now, I collect nothing.  (Well, except books.)  I found myself having to “deal” with the stuff too much.   The only treasure that needs to consume my time is Jesus Christ.  That’s where I want my heart to be found.  Daily.  In a conversation with Him, singing to Him, praying to Him and loving Him.  My treasure.  I want to be His treasure.

“Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth [is] mine:” Exodus 19:5 (emphasis mine)  These very words came from the mouth of God straight to the ears of Moses!  Written for all of time to the Israelites—but giving us instruction as to what delights the Lord!

When asked by my Senior math teacher 30 years ago, “if your house catches fire and you are able to get something of value out, what are you taking first?”, and without hesitation I answered, “picture albums”. 

While that was my answer as a 17 year old, that would not be the answer today.  Now I have online storage.  Purchased on the day the computer was stolen with a BUNCH of pictures in it—and they were no where else!  Sorry, I had a relapse of attitude there.  Today, I would take my Bible.  If I could only take one thing.  That would be it. 

Why?  Well, it’s fairly new, only having it for about 2 years now but already it is a part of me.   It holds letters and messages from my God to me.  Inside it’s thin pages are the plans for my life.  It’s food for my soul.  Sure, I could buy another one if something happened to this one, but this one is special.  It holds my notes, underlined verses, and memories of reading certain passages with Wanda by my side in Bible Study.  I remember the day I bought it and showed it to Wanda.  She loved it almost as much as I did!  We both shared a love for God’s Word and many books!

I have been looking over the “things” that I have acquired over the past 47 years.  If I counted the lives my life has had an impact on…would it out number the possessions?  Just wondering out loud.  Have you thought about your own?

Take some time and wander through your house–the physical one and the spiritual one.  See what you value above all else.  I have some rearranging to do.  Of time and things.  What about you?

Seeking Him,


I’d love your visit at my personal blog, The Knightly News and Sisters of Faith!

13 thoughts on “Treasure Finder

  1. LaurieLaurie Adams

    What a great encouragement for us to inspect what is truly important to us. I always remember what I heard a preacher say during offering once… “if you look at your checkbook ledger you will find out what is important”, in other words are there more checks written at Wal-mart than the house of God? Taking an inventory this new year just may tell us something about where are treasures are being built. -blessings to you.

  2. LynnLynn

    Hi Ange,

    Boy I agree with Laurei Ann… This post warmed my heart. I think last year during the terrible fires here in So. California, I wrote about the possibility of evacuating our house. What would I take and you Ang, the first thing that came into my head was my Bible. My daily Bible is also filled with little notes and food for my soul. That and my family, if that’s all I had to leave me home with…. It would be enough. Amazing to think about it.

    Great post as always. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs~

  3. LindaLinda

    Angie, I always love reading your “heart”. It is all so true. There are so many things that don’t pass the “treasure test” any more. The older I get, the less I treasure the material things in my life. It is the people and the things of the Lord that have the most value.
    And I’m with you on the Bible. Mine is beginning to show its age, but I have so much in it I can’t imagine starting over with a new one. I plan to have this one last me until I go “home”.

  4. Laurie Ann

    Great post about keeping Christ first and making Him our treasure, not the material things we tend to store up here on this earth. Very inspiring and encouraging post!

  5. Ann'Re

    Thanks for sharing such a great post, and I whole heartedly agree. It seems the older I get and the closer to the Lord I get, the more stuff gets shipped off to the thrift stores and shelters. I’d rather spend my time in the Word that dusting nicnacs. lol

  6. Karen

    I totally relate with the other comments about changing values as one gets older. Stuff is just that……

    Faith &

    What can possible compare with the treasure of Jesus Christ?
    Thank you for the beautiful words that touch our hearts!

  7. Bernadine

    Beautiful, heartfelt post Angie. I’m with you there on the Bible, I have one that I have now had for over ten years and although it’s worn and thorn I have a hard time starting a new one. I always find myself coming back to my old one that now seem more like a faithful friend.

  8. Vicki

    oh, Angie, to treasure Him above all else – that is the joy, isn’t it? –to live and move and have our being in Him. ?

  9. Joanne


    Everytime you share something about Wanda, it makes me want to meet her even more.

    This devotion friend, was beautiful. You hit the target, bullseye! I was just thinking as I was cleaning my bedroom (for five hours!) this weekend, that all of this STUFF is not going with me. What a beautiful devotion, made me really stop and think….so much so, that I peeked my head over my computer and asked Paul the very question you posed to us, “If the house were on fire, and you could only take one thing, what would it be?”

    Without even pausing he said, “My wife.”

    …yah, that guy is getting a big snuggle from me for that one!

    Love you friend, Joanne

  10. Tiffany Stuart


    Great reminder of what matters on earth most. What a gift Wanda was. Love that you love His Word…His treasure.

    I’d have to take my journals too(if a fire where in my house). They are a special place where I pen His words to me and where I’ve wrote notes from sermons, aha moments of learning, my laments, ect. Like you I write in my Bible, but I also write in spiral notebooks. They are my love walk with God. I find such strength revisiting my journey with Him. He is fauthful. His Word feeds me.

    Loved this post. Thanks so much, my friend.