Forgiveness and the “Save” button

This is the third time I’ve written to you today. Oh…. you mean you only see one post? Yeah- I know the others have been deleted.

The first idea? I dumped it. I hit delete- myself. The second? Well, it was great. It was a certain winner of the Nobel Prize for bloggers…..I had carefully changed the “time stamp” so it would automatically post at midnight. (I had to, yet again, ask my teenager for help with the whole “military time thing”) I double checked my spelling…..margins etc. Then- I hit “PUBLISH”.

Obsessive compulsive blog poster that I am, I then checked the archive to make sure everything was fine…..

It wasn’t. Sure- the post was there- well- a blank post without any content was there. Interestingly- the date and publish time stamp were correct. 😉

DUH. I forgot to hit “Save” after my last round of “edits” Net/net? It saved a blank post. Nsd- Nothing. Blank. Empty.

Tears welled up in my eyes. From Nobel Blog Prize winner to “remedial blogging 101” flunk-ie… in 3.2 seconds. That’s gotta be a record.

The truth is- the post wasn’t all that. It had mistakes. It missed the mark. Which sounded familiar. Sounded like me. This morning- I missed the mark. I ignored my 4 year old for a few minutes of quiet. (I put my Ipod on LOUD…to drown out the whining) This evening? I got annoyed when my husband called to talk about his day. (I was BUSY, afterall) I was pretty short and sent a very clear “I’m not interested, I’m busy writing for the Lord” message, not in so many words- but- message sent- just the same.

Immediately after my post disappeared into the post abyss, my 14 year old moved around on the couch, trying to get comfortable between the 40 lb beagle and the bouncing 4 year old. I snapped at him. “SIT STILL!”. 10 seconds afterward- my oldest hadn’t signed off the computer yet- I announced that he was “GROUNDED” without warning. Mostly because I was ticked.

Sin. I’m full of it. Especially at this time of the month;)

This afternoon is drawing to a close- and I am just praying— that God will yet again- “close the virtual window” on this day- without hitting the “SAVE” button….

Psalm 103:11-12

For as high as the heavens are above the earth,
so great is his love for those who fear him;

as far as the east is from the west,
so far has he removed our transgressions from us.

Are you having one of those days? Are you wishing that there was some way to delete the “post” of your day? I encourage you to take a few minutes- read all of Psalm 103 and learn about God’s forgiveness. His ability to permemently “delete” our sin.

Dear Lord- I thank you for your forgiveness- I need it desperately everyday. I ask you to forgive me- rescue me- from ME! I love you Lord- amen.

9 thoughts on “Forgiveness and the “Save” button

  1. In His Hands

    I’ve had plenty of those days. Thank you for reminding me to read Psalm 103.

    I pray today is better for you!

  2. LynnLynn


    You are just delightful. I laughed and I relate to the delete key….. Now I am heading off to read Psalm 103. Thank you… Thank you… Thank you… 🙂

  3. eph2810

    I guess we are having a theme going this week :). Oh, Tracey – I have many of those days, but thank goodness for His mercies. They are new

  4. ampraisingHim

    I couldn’t post earlier this week…but my Tuesday was very similar to yours, rotten. Thanks for posting this. By the way, my Wednesday turned out a lot better! Hope your week went well.