When God Wants You To Know


Times right now seem unstable. Wars are raging, money is fading, and fears are rising. As humans, we’re going to have doubts and fears when things seem to be falling apart all around us. I know for me, it can be scary. Raising children in the world we live in today, if you’re aware of the danger and atrocity, can keep you up at night and steal your sleep. I’ve been asking the Father to help me know, that I know, He will take care of me and my family, my friends, and even acquaintances. He is faithful enough to do just that.

In four days one verse continued to reoccur to me four times in different places. Whether it was on t.v., in a study, a school lesson, or an email, the same verse was given to me. Matthew 6:25-26

Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment? Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?

This verse is very reassuring, but also very bold. Don’t worry about what you will eat or drink? Or even wear? Jesus makes the statement to his disciples to not worry, to not fear. Can we truly surrender and not fear? It’s so hard some days, most days. We all have general issues we fear and then we all have more specific issues that bring fear in our lives. But here Jesus is reassuring us to not worry. We can surrender that fear to the Father and we can ask for His peace to rule our hearts and minds. The Father wants us to know how much He desires us to have peace. He wants us to know how much He loves us and loves to see our hearts and mind at ease. He created the world and heavens, don’t we believe we can trust Him to care for us?

I was asked this question by the Spirit last week, ‘If we can’t trust the Father, then who can we trust?’ Wow. That’s a tough one. Do I trust myself? My money? Man? It’s fine to have a trust in those things, as long as they don’t fuel our trust. I trust that my husband will go to work and provide for us. I trust that the money I give to the cashier will be of value, but I cannot let those things bring me security. My security and ultimate trust has to lie in the Father and His provision. He can and will use people or things to provide for us, we just have to know who is the one calling the shots in our life, it’s the Father.

To me, this was a very personal thing that dealt with personal issues. So it was very humbling to have the Father literally give me this verse four different times. It lets me know my Father loves me more than I give Him credit for. Sure I say that I know He loves me, but at times I do doubt, we all do. He wanted me to know, that I know, that He is going to take care of whatever the need is and for me not to worry.

What are you needing today?

Will you lay it at His feet and not worry?

Cry out to Him, He will help your unbelief if you ask Him too.

Father, thank You for being the God that You are. So amazing. So loving. So faithful. Words truly do not do You justice. You care like no other and You desire that we know that. Help our unbelief and give us faith of a mustard seed. Help us to know You are watching out for us and that You are going to take care of whatever need we have. May we not believe the lies of the enemy as they whisper doubt into our ears. Thank You for Your words and Your comfort. Let us take refuge in You, our shield and our buckler. We give you our worry and take Your promises. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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