My precious Gem…

No, I am not talking about the ring I received one Christmas from my Sweetheart, I am talking about my Sweetheart…

For years and years I took him for granted. He was there to listen, to comfort, and to help me out with things around the house. Did I ever thank him or told him how important he is to me…I don’t think so. Do you think that men don’t like to hear how much we appreciate them? How much we love them? To be honest with you, I thought that I didn’t have to say/show it, that he knew. I am not talking about getting all mushy, but I am saying that we can tell our man that we love them in different ways. One of them is to tell them how much we appreciate them, what they truly mean to us, their providence and their understanding!

I have read two great books couple of years ago about the relationship with our man, but this one opened my eyes: For Women Only! Maybe I am the only one who is ignorant to the needs of my man, but I didn’t know a lot of things. Did you know that men would like to have more respect than anything else? Even more than our intimate relationship…although that ranks high too…

Listen to this:

While it may be totally foreign to most of us, the male need for respect and affirmation – especially from his woman – is so hardwired and so critical that most men would rather feel unloved than disrespected or inadequate. The survey indicated that three out of four men (that is 75% – Yikes!!!) would make that choice. (Quote from ‘For Women Only’ by Shaunti Feldhahn)

After reading Shaunti’s book and Love & Respect, I am more in tune with the needs of my Sweetheart (at least I hope so).

“However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.” ~Ephesians 5:33

Lord of Heaven and Earth. I am lifting up our marriages to your this morning. Lord, put a hedge around them. There are a many temptations in this world. I am asking You to help us see the needs of our husbands, that we may respect them the way they deserve to be respected. I pray this in the precious name of our Lord and Savior, I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen

How do you show your Sweetie that you respect him? How do you react to him if you don’t agree with his point of view? Do you retreat? Do you get mad? I really would like to hear from you…

Blessings to your day and as always…

13 thoughts on “My precious Gem…

  1. MiPa

    I’m reading Love and Respect right now. Powerful stuff that is definitely changing how I relate to my husband. I’m adding For Women Only to my wish list. Thank you !

  2. Addie

    This is exactly what I needed to read today of all days. I am looking into both both books … maybe I should add it to my meager collection. Thank you so much for sharing this 🙂

  3. Beckie

    This is so good and true. I’ve always tried to thank my Hubby for everything he does as soon as he’s done it and tell him how much I appreciate all he does. Another thing I try to do is brag about him to other people; especially if he’s around. Excellent advice.

  4. Ruth

    what do i do to bless my hubby?…one thing i know HE LOVES is when i make his lunch for him and have supper ready for him when he gets home. it it TOTALLY his love language. sometimes i tuck a little love note in his lunch too. or a picture.:)

  5. LynnLynn

    Great Post Iris. I linked my site. We are currently looking at this specific need in marriage. Well written. Thank you!!

  6. janet

    Great post. Especially in this time, when every husband and father on tv and in many movies, is portrayed a an idiot- someone to laugh at demeen and ignore, we need to make a conscious effort to be respectful, give special honor to the “heads” of our homes. Easier said than done, but something we should aspire to

  7. e-Mom

    Excellent, encouraging words, as usual. Thanks for recommending For Women Only, a while ago. I did get it and I read it (and I also gave it to my daughter.) It’s chock full!

  8. Spookie the Warrior

    Wow, this is very thought provoking. I retreat if I don’t agree with his point of veiw. This is probably wrong though. I need alot of prayer for my marriage. URGENT prayer.

  9. Sarah

    Important words here that so many of us forget when we marry. When we date we make every effort, when we grow comfortable in marriage we can forget that the little things count. Thanks Iris 🙂

  10. Vicki

    Such a needed post for us ladies. Thank you, Iris. Hubby read Love & Respect, and even gave a copy to one of our sons last year–he thought it was so good. I need to read it, though. After all these years, there is much I’ve probably neglected. Right now we’re in a health crisis–please pray for him. Each time something happens to him, I wonder if the Lord is about to take him away from me. It sure puts a shift in my perspective. God bless you, my friend.