Raise it high

Recently at the funeral service for my friend Ed, his brother shared the following thoughts (paraphrased to the best of my memory): “During the Civil War, there were flag bearers who carried the flag of their regiment to help encourage and direct the soldiers. As the men fought they would look for their flag. The flag was held high. The flag bearers didn’t have weapons they just held the flag. Through the years Ed always held the flag high for me to see, for me to find my way to Jesus no matter what was happening.” Wow! These words really stuck with me – he held the flag high. I want to be the person that holds the flag high.

I was so intrigued by this idea that I did a little research into flag bearers. According to McNamara, Robert. “Why Were Flags So Important in the Civil War?” ThoughtCo, Dec. 13, 2018, thoughtco.com/flags-importance-in-the-civil-war-1773716.

“Vocal commands, or even bugle calls, could not be heard. And, of course, armies at the time of the Civil War had no electronic means to communicate such as radios. So a visual rallying point was essential, and soldiers were trained to follow the flag.”


“Because the regimental flags had genuine strategic importance in battle, designated teams of soldiers, known as the color guard, carried them. A typical regimental color guard would consist of two color bearers, one carrying the national flag … and one carrying the regimental flag. Often two other soldiers were assigned to guard the color bearers.”


“Being a color bearer was considered a mark of great distinction and it required a soldier of extraordinary bravery. The job was to carry the flag where the regimental officers directed, while unarmed and under fire. Most importantly, color bearers had to face the enemy and never break and run in retreat, or the entire regiment might follow.”


“Histories of the Civil War contain countless stories about regimental flags being protected in battle. Often the stories around the flag will recount how a color bearer was wounded or killed, and other men would pick up the fallen flag.”


There is a song that goes along with this idea.  Well, at least in my head it goes along. It is called Raise a Hallelujah. I can raise a hallelujah just like the flag bearers raised a flag.  I imagine a hallelujah as a banner waved back and froth to say “Look what Jesus has done.”

9 thoughts on “Raise it high

  1. Iris Nelson

    Thank you for sharing the information about the flag bearers with us. Yes, I too want to raise the flag high to point others to Jesus.
    I love that song; we sang it at our Sunrise service this year.

  2. Jo Ann Mele

    Ann, this is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing. You certainly do raise a flag for our Lord. I want to raise a flag for our Lord also. Xo