A Watered Garden


We have gone from extreme drought conditions in our part of the country to extraordinary drought.  We are desperate for rain.  The heat from the sun is unrelenting – triple digit weather for days – making it difficult for anything to survive.  Our lawns are drying up and water restrictions allow for watering only once a week.  With so little water, it is a losing battle.  The grass is turning brown; it is dying.

We are allowed to water with a hand-held hose, and while there is simply too much lawn to make that possible, I have been drenching the flowers in my little flower bed with life-giving liquid whenever they begin to droop.  They are doing well.  In spite of the conditions surrounding them, they continue to grow – a picture of life in the midst of devastating circumstances.

They are a visual reminder of what the Lord wants to do in my life.  There are times of drought; times when circumstances overwhelm and I struggle just to make it through the day.  The assault can seem relentless at times.

The Father does not leave me to somehow try to do the best I can.  He comes with Living Water to refresh and restore my soul.  Jesus is that life-giving resource.  In Him we find all we need for life – abundant life.  The circumstances may not change – but I am changed when I allow Him to fill me with His Spirit, and  as I am filled, He can then use  me to pour out blessing to others.

“And the Lord will continually guide you, and satisfy your desire in scorched places, and give strength to your bones.  Then you will be like a watered garden and like a spring of water whose waters do not fail.”   Isaiah 58:11 (NLT)


In His Love,


pictures: courtesy of flickr

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4 thoughts on “A Watered Garden

  1. eph2810

    Oh, do I know about drought. Living here in Arizona means we have not much rain during the summer months. Although clouds are forming around us, it is too hot to rain…
    I am glad that I have the Lord giving me live-sustaining water to keep going, even though everything around me is dry like a bone in the desert.
    Thank you so much for sharing your heart with us.