New Beginnings

My life changed dramatically this summer. All the big things – location, work, family – are now not what they were at the end of May. Here’s a brief run-down:

  • Second daughter married in June
  • Husband transferred from West Texas to Houston
  • Resigned church staff job to move with husband
  • Youngest child preparing to leave for college in fall
  • Father-in-law moved with us and now living in guest suite
  • Working from home full-time writing and speaking

As you can imagine, I am attempting to adjust to a whole new way of doing things. There are the little things like finding the bathroom in the middle of the night and constantly asking myself questions like “Where did I put those measuring spoons?” And there are the not-so-little things like missing my church family and friends and letting my baby boy grow up.

Even with all that, new beginnings are exciting – new friends to meet, new places to explore, new rooms to be decorated. (For that last one, I must find Hobby Lobby.)

This morning I read about the ultimate of new beginnings in the third chapter of John. A man named Nicodemus longed for something he lacked. He knew Jesus had “been sent by God.” So, risking the ridicule of his fellow Pharisees, he visited Jesus at night to find some answers.

What Nicodemus needed was new spiritual life through a relationship with God. And Jesus told him exactly how to get it. “I assure you, unless you are born again, you can never see the Kingdom of God” John 3:4, NLT.

God created us to bring Him glory through a relationship with Himself. But our sin has broken that relationship for which we were created. Sin brought death to our spirits and cut us off from our Creator for all eternity. But because God doesn’t want anyone to perish, He sent Jesus to die on the cross to pay the penalty for sin that we deserve.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life” John 3:16, NLT.

Have you been born again? Has there ever been a point in time when you gave your life to Jesus and accepted the free gift of salvation He alone can provide? Learn more now.

5 thoughts on “New Beginnings

  1. LaurieLaurie Adams

    Kathy, I can relate to the changes, I have had a few of my own this past year. It is always comforting to me to know that the one thing that never changes from the old to the new is Gods love and assurance. His love never changes, even though we do. Great post! 🙂

  2. Iris

    Although new beginnings are some time scary, I like them.

    I am so thankful that God gave me a chance to be born of again.