A Heavenly Reminder

Have you ever gotten to a place in life where it seems like nothing is happening for you?  You look at life and as much as you look it simply seems as if you are not making any progress in certain areas.   

I’ve hit that wall a few times in my life and this usually brings to surface the complainer within me.  The complaints are usually disguised as simple statements e.g. “God, I thought I would have accomplished a, b or c already.”  Interpretation, “what’s taking you so long to bring this to past in my life?”  As I started down this slippery slope on Friday (my birthday) God directed me to the following scripture 

Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them slip from your heart as long as you live. Deuteronomy 4:9

 As I read over the scripture and thought about the Israelites who so many times forgot the wonderful things God had done for them I began to count my blessings.  I reflected on some of the many ways my heavenly father shows up in my life on a daily basis, obstacles I overcame and the moments that I knew only he could have brought me through and I began to offer up praises unto him.  By the time I was finished with my impromptu praise session I had no doubt that God was with me and I was indeed blessed by him. This is why every once in a while I ask God in the words of an old song I like to, 

Roll back the curtain of memory now and then
show me where you brought me from and
where I could have been
just remember I’m a human and human’s forget
so remind me, remind me dear Lord

 Father, thank you for the reminding me of all the many wonderful things you have done on my behalf.  Help me to never become so focused on the things I want you to do in my in my life that I forget to be thankful for those things that you have already done.

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7 thoughts on “A Heavenly Reminder

  1. Elaine Olsen

    I’m at that place right now…in fact just a few moments ago, I reminded God (again) about the lengthy “endurance” of waiting I am currently going through (as if he didn’t know…).

    But this is a powerful post for me today, calling me to “recall”…to remember the things my eyes have seen and to hold them close in my heart as a token of God’s provision and love for me. He has carried me so far…given me so much…loved me with his grace.

    You’ve given me some perspective this morning. Thank you!


  2. Heather CHeatherC

    We are definitely kindred spirits. Your thoughts echo my sentiments exactly. I wish God would hurry up and make me holy! But, you’re right. He’s done so much in my life already. Let’s keep our eyes on His completed work!

  3. LynnLynn

    Wow Bernadine,

    This was for me….“God, I thought I would have accomplished a, b or c already.” Interpretation, “what’s taking you so long to bring this to past in my life?” BUSTED!!!

    I needed this today. You always have a way with the exact words for my day. Love you.

  4. Theresa

    Nice post. Hang in there. We all have tough times. Most of us want to wait for the tought times to pass, but the fact is, the tough times are as much a part of our lives, as the good times. It’s all your life. Live it to the fullest and don’t spin your wheels waiting for the bad spots to vanish. God bless.

  5. melanie

    Boy, I so needed to hear this tonight.
    I’m so there right now. I long for so
    many things that are still out of reach
    or that may not even be in His plans.

  6. Angela

    I am at a place where I know God wants me to step out on faith but I am not sure what steps to take. After a weekend conference I felt empowered and scared. I told the Lord I couldn’t share my past with people what if someone told my children what I was like. Now in just a few words, roll back the curtain of memory and see where god brought me from, God said see another affirmation to do this thing I ask of you. Thank you for this post and for obeying God.
    Loves and Prayers,