You make me strong.

God is bedrock under my feet

the castle in which I live,

my rescuing knight.

My God—the high crag

where I run for dear life,

hiding behind the boulders,

safe in the granite hideout.  I sing to GOD, the Praise-Lofty

and find myself safe and saved.”

Psalm 18:1-3 THE MESSAGE

These verses in Psalm 18 are so precious to me especially during and after a trial of my faith.  The words never fail to remind me that God hides me in the crag or cleft of The Rock (God Almighty) and in Him, no matter the roaring winds the storming rain or the lightning and thunder; I am safe in His Precious Arms.

As Papa Ralph in my church says, “If that does not light your fire then your wood is wet.”   Those words surely do light the fire of the Holy Spirit in my whole being.

Always remember no matter in good times and in bad GOD LOVES YOU AND ME.

Always remember to praise Him for He is Worthy.

Blessings Gloria

©Copyrite 2014 Gloria B. Powell

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