A Mother’s Example

 Enoch walked with God; then he was no more, because God took him away. Genesis 5:24

Enoch was one character I didn’t relate to at first in my Old Testament readings.  It seemed impossible for anyone to have such a close intimate walk with God, but as I thought about my mother’s life Enoch was the Old Testament character that I thought about most.  He doesn’t have a whole book in the bible, just a few verses.  However, the verse above could have been written about my mother.

 Monvella walked with God; then she was no more, because God took her away. (paraphrased)

You could always feel my mother’s love and passion for God in the way she spoke about him.  She truly walked with God.  I believe that she had the type of relationship with Him that Enoch had.  He was her closest companion.  She walked with Him, she talked with Him, she had a friendship with Him.  Psalm 25:14 states, Friendship with the Lord is reserved for those who fear him.  With them he shares the secrets of his covenant.  Not only was Mommy a friend of God, he called her friend. He trusted her with His secrets

Sometimes when I was around my mother I felt like I was intruding on a private party.  She had such an intimate walk with God that she couldn’t go very long without talking to him.  She lived only to serve Him.  As she went about her daily business we could often hear her whispering as she quietly conversed with God.  She talked to him while she cooked, while she cleaned, while she sat down to rest… She was in constant communication with God.  Sometimes she would be sitting down quietly and you’d suddenly hear a spontaneous, “AMEN!” We quickly got use to Mommy talking with her best friend. 

Mommy talked to God about everything.  She talked to him about her family, her friends, her country, the world at large.  She talked to him about her fears, her hopes her dreams.  She talked to him about the things she wanted to do for him.  ‘She talked to him about the clothes she wore and the food she cooked.  ‘There was nothing that she considered off limits when she was talking to her Heavenly Father.

It is from my mother that I learnt close intimate friendship with the lord is indeed possible.  It is from her that I learnt that there is no problem too big or too small to take to God in prayer.  I have seen prayer work numerous times in countless ways in my life and it’s due to the fact that my mother not only prayed for me but took the time to teach me to pray.  She taught me to love God more than I love my own life and to trust Him with every facet of my life.  She taught me these things not only by the words she spoke but by the life she lived.  She was truly my inspiration and my gift from God.

This Mother’s Day marks my third Mothers’ Day without my beloved mom, friend and Pastor.  My devotion this week is part of a chapter from a book I wrote about her last summer.

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   To all of you mothers reading this Happy Mothers’ Day.  I hope you have a great weekend.  You’re all special and you deserve it.  My prayer is that God will answer those petitions that you have before him.




4 thoughts on “A Mother’s Example

  1. LynnLynn

    Oh Bernadine,

    This is beautiful. I can’t wait to meet your mother. I want to be like her when I grow. Up. Love you girl. Thanks for sharing this special person with me. Hugs.

  2. Angie

    Bernadine…the antispam word fits right here! “Grace”….God’s Grace.

    I would have loved to meet your mother—and thanks be to God in heaven! ONE DAY I will!!!! Praise HIM!

    I loved reading this—I love the memories of blessed childhood!

  3. LaurieLaurie

    What a beautiful tribute to your Mother and an encouragement for all of us to continue to show Christ before our loved ones in word, and in action.