A Sower Sows

My hope is that this devotional will encourage each one of us to do what God has called us to do with freedom from fear, abandonment, and with a new desire to be “SOWERS.” Throughout this devotional, when I refer to sowers and sowing, I am referring to sowers as anyone in Christ Jesus, and the seed as being God’s word.

Please read Matthew 13:3-8

We have all read and heard the above scriptures about the parable of the seed being sown. I know most teaching covers soil types (heart conditions). I found it very interesting that the first line is so simple, yet so profound. Let’s think about it for a moment, the sower went out to sow seed. I believe he went to the fields, planting God’s word without fear of an unfruitful harvest. Sometimes the purpose of sowing seed is lost in what ifs, fear of people, this won’t work, I am not called to do that, they won’t receive from me, etc., etc. We should embrace the freedom and joy in knowing we are “SOWERS’ for the Kingdom of God.

As we reflect, some of the seed that fell on good ground by the sower that went out was received; it produced a fruitful harvest. We also know that some did not. In today’s world of “SOWERS,” I think we may be judging soil types (i.e. well… they are Jewish, devil worshipers, non-believers, or whatever our reservation might be). There are some among us that do not want to sow the precious life giving seed of God’s word because they do not know if it will be received, believed, or retrieved. I say to you, sow seed, and trust God to the rest.

We are not called to be seed holders or soil analyst-just seed sowers. Scatter seed in the fields God has given you without fear of it being rejected or shriveled up; you will see a beautiful harvest. Only then can other farmers leave the field with the seed that they now have to sow in another field. God is in the business of changing hearts, or tilling soil in this analogy. He brings the Son in to cause the seed to grow. What if the sowers had not sown the seed? The divine purpose of the seed would not have reached those with ears to hear, eyes to see, and the hearts to understand that would go forth and repeat the life cycle of the sower sowing seed.

Who are we? We are sowers and the fields are full of people hungry for seeds to be sown. I challenge each one of us to sow seed, trusting God to the rest. Remember that it is God that makes good soil by changing hearts, and then He causes His seed to grow.

Dear God,
Forgive me for keeping your seed in the pack. I have judged and inspected the fields out of fear and held back your precious word. Help me to obey and joyfully sow seeds as you have given it me. I pray for wisdom and your anointing that I will not allow fear to hinder a harvest for you. You have given the seed to the sower and the promise that your word will not return to you without accomplishing what it will. Thank you Lord for giving me the seed sown in me so that I can share your life giving word.
In Jesus precious name, Amen

Robin D Cantwell, Guest Contributor:
I was widowed one year ago on May 27. I live in Canton, Georgia with my daughter who is almost 16 and my twelve-year-old son.

God called me 2-3 years ago to write a book on addictions which I am in the process of doing as we speak. My desire is to draw people closer to God through His word and by reflecting His goodness in my life. I am living by faith each day He gives me. Robin

14 thoughts on “A Sower Sows

  1. Karen

    Thank you for this post. Sometimes it is hard to remember that my responsibility is to plant the seed and let God do His work. It is easier to let the enemy convince me that there is a better time, a better way or even a better person to sow God’s seed.

    “…Help me to obey and joyfully sow seeds as you have given it to me. I pray for wisdom and your anointing that I will not allow fear to hinder a harvest for you…”


  2. eph2810

    You are right, Robin. We are not the ones that will grow the seed, but we should at least try to put the ‘seed in the ground’.

    Thank you so much for your encouragement to sow the seeds and to trust God for the rest.

  3. Dee Ann

    First I want you all to know that my Sister was the Author of this blog. She is the most amazing person I know and has planted the seed in me of love and trust. She has taught me to trust God first and the rest will follow. Our family has been through some extremely troubling times, and my Sister has lead me to seek God first. I can’t begin to express how this has transformed my life and way of thinking. I now walk with God each and every day and I always seek him first before anything else. My Sister sowed the seed in me to reach for that and I am blessed and honored to be her Sister. I am looking forward to reading lots more from her.

  4. Joan

    Robin, Your devotion has not only been a reminder but most importantly, a blessing. The fields of the world will all be beautiful places when the seeds of Our Father are sown.

  5. Renee

    “We are not called to be seed holders or soil analyst-just seed sowers.” I love that part. Who are we to judge or rationalize whether or not we should sow the seed? Like you said, just do it and trust God to do the rest. Thank you and God bless you! What an encouragement…

  6. sandra harper

    Robin, your devotional is in perfect timing for the times we live in today to remind each of us as to the assignment as a seed sower for the Kingdom of God. We are in such a time as this when there are more fields than ever in history to be a responsible Child of God and continue to sow the life changing seed no matter what. Indeed, God will do the rest for it is He that will cause it to take root and grow. Graced with Lace has been blessed by the boldness Christ has given you to reach and remind us of the forgotten duty as a Christain. God bless you, Sandra

  7. LynnLynn Post author


    I have been convicted. There are moments where I need to be a witness for Christ and shy away from saying something out of fear.

    No more. Today… Beginning today.

    We are not called to be seed holders or soil analyst-just seed sowers. Amen


  8. kathy

    Robin is my oldest daughter. I cannot be prouder. She is a remarkable person. All of her devotionals make you think and praise the Lord. Thank you Robin.

  9. Johan

    I love her approach – we spend far too much time analyzing, at the expense of time spent just simply doing what God says. It doesn’t really matter how we “feel” about it and it certainly isn’t up to us to question God or God’s wisdom. Just trust, and do.

    Robin is a gift that the rest of us get to open and reap wisdom from..

  10. Sherry

    That is exactly what God expects from us. I believe that not all seeds will grow without someone watering them. But without the planting there can be no growth at all. Bless you and your message.
    Your sister In Christ,