Anyone Need Renovating?

Anyone like to renovate? I haven’t really done that in my life. We moved into a ready to live apartment once we married so there was painting or really changing the place. I know many have and we will in the future probably do this once we buy a home. My Daddy is a carpenter by trade so he knows all about this kind of stuff. It’s amazing what we can do with our hands isn’t it?

Now, let’s switch to talking about the spiritual realm. Renew. What do you think of when you hear that word? I think of making something new again,changing something to make it better,right? In Romans 12:2 it tells us to renew our minds.  What would we renew our minds with? The Word of God,of course. We want to make our minds better and different than the current state,right? We can also do this by prayer and communion with God. I mean, He is the Holy One, the one who created our minds. So naturally He would know how they need to work and function. He would know what they need to think on and what things we need to put in our minds. What goes in your mind,will seep into your heart,and finally come out through our actions and words. 

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;        

II Corinthians 10:5




I went to the Strong’s Concordance for more information on this verse. It is jam packed with truth and knowledge.

Conformed in the Greek means “to pattern like,to fashion like“. We aren’t to pattern our thoughts after the world’s thoughts. The only way NOT to do that is by staying in the Word of God. Transformed in the Greek means “changed,transfigured“. I like the word transfigured. It reminds me of the transfiguration of Jesus,remember that? If Jesus needed to go to God in prayer,we surely do and so much more. Renew in the Greek means “renovate“. I just love that! It makes the verse really come alive and really make sense to me. I have talked about this already,we have to take out the old and put up new.

And why do we renew? So we can prove what is the good,acceptable,and perfect will of God. Prove in the Greek means “discern,examine“. We are to be able to discern the will of God. He wants us to have discernment about the decisions we make. We are to examine the decisions we will make and know they are what God wants for us. 

Good in the Greek means “beneficial“. God wants good things for us! He wants us to have things that benefit us and why would we not want to know just what God wants and what is best for us? Y’all He hasn’t got horrible plans and He doesn’t want to see us ruin. He has wonderful things in store for us. It may take a lot of pain to get there,but He has purpose in it all. Acceptable in the Greek means “pleasing“. By renewing our minds we will replace the desire to please ourselves and want to please God. This is my favorite of all,will. Will in the Greek means “desire“. Oh how God has awesome desires for us! Not only that,but to know He desires just us,He desires our fellowship,our worship,our time. He wants us! 

I want to be renovated,anyone else? What good things are in store for those who let God change and transform them!

 So you can look at it this way. Once we are born again by the Spirit of God, we need to renovate our minds to His likeness. We have sinful minds by nature,all of us. So just like you would do a home,building,or any other structure, we have to do with our minds the same way. We have to go in and replace the junk with the Word of God daily,not weekly,but daily. We have to put in new thoughts to replace the sinful ones. We have to put in new words to replace the nasty ones. A home can go awhile with new paint and look great,but our minds have to be renewed daily,throughout the day. I don’t know about anyone else,but this gal right here has a sinful mind. I have to have His Word to take out the ugliness. I have to have talks with Him a lot during the day to help me act according to how Jesus did. It’s not easy and it’s not always fun,but it will bring about what God desires for me. He knows me,He fashioned me! I can trust Him to lead me in the path I need.

I know I packed a lot in this devotion. This verse is just so wonderful! This is a verse that you can expound enough on. I have written one devotion on it,but it is definitely worth another one. So let’s allow God to do great things in us,start by renewing your mind daily with His Word and prayer.

Lord, You alone are worthy! You are so good! You are my Maker! Thank You for having my best interest in mind and thank You for having a good end for me. May I seek to cleanse my mind,renew my mind,and renovate my mind to Your likeness. May our minds be yielded to Your Spirit and Your Word, O God. Help us daily as we go about our day to keep our minds pure and set on things above. Help us to guard our minds and filter our thoughts through Your Word,Lord. We praise You and we thank You! In Jesus Name,Amen.



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