Are You Making the Best Use of Your Time?

It doesn’t seem possible that we are more than half way through the first month in 2017.  My husband and I started this year off on vacation in the Bahamas, my homeland. We went to attend the wedding of a friend and stayed a few days over to relax and visit family. There were moments, for example when we were at the beach, that I found myself wishing time would stand still.  It seemed like it was going by a little too quickly and I wanted to make every moment last longer because I didn’t know when I’d be back again.

Do you do that sometimes? You wish time would stand still or slow down during the enjoyable moments and speed up during those not so good moments? If you think back, I’m sure you’ll remember moments during 2016 when you thought one or the other.  I know I have many times.  However, I want 2017 to be different.  I don’t want to spend the time I have wishing it would stand still or speed up.  I want to make the most of it.

As I read old journals and think back over the past years there are so many dreams that continue to be the dream for the next year and the next, never being realized. So, I wonder, what good is wishing for more time when I’m not making the most of the time that I have.

15 Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise,

16 making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.

17 Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. Ephesians 5:15-17 (ESV)

2017, is going to be different. I am going to make the best use of my time ad trust God to help me to bring my dreams from the pages of my journals and in to reality. What about you?



3 thoughts on “Are You Making the Best Use of Your Time?

  1. LaurieLaurie

    I feel that way EVERY time we are at the beach. I want it to last forever!! Lol but it doesn’t. I’m onboard with you on making 2017 count, I’m striving to savor each moment and make each moment count. Let’s do it!!