Remember that old nursery rhyme we shouted on the playground when we were kids? Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me! What were we thinking? Sure, sticks and stones can break bones, but bones heal. Words can leave wounds that last for decades and…
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I’m studying the prophesies of Daniel with fourth and fifth graders at church. I learn as much as they do, so I hate to say I am their teacher. We just finished chapter 8 last week, and they fail to see the connection between past and future world events and…
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“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,” Says the Lord, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.” Revelations 1:8 We are living in the “is” of our Lord’s presence; the time between what was and what will…
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I recently had the privilege of going on a retreat with my 3 sisters. It was a wonderful time together in a cabin in North Georgia. We were able to relax, fellowship, eat, share, pray, play games and much more. What a blessing it was to have that time with…
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Mom was on her way to the surgical center because sometimes check-ups turn out to be bad news. She had too much pressure behind her optic nerve, and that much pressure damages said nerve until, over time, the world narrows and is finally black. She’s already lost a lot of vision, and…
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