Nose In the Dirt

As you read this devotion today I am in the midst of experiencing a life-long dream come true. I am at Yellowstone National Park with my family visiting the geysers, surveying the scenery and specifically looking for any and all wildlife I can possibly see. God is so very kind!…

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I don’t trust Hollywood. The entertainment industry of my home state, California, mostly infuriates me. Time and again Hollywood produces films, television and music that fly in the face of my Christian faith. Christian values and teaching are relentlessly assaulted in almost every area of the media. A recent example…

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Naked In The Street!

When you are a kid, there are occasions when you feel time stand still as you learn a powerful lesson about life. I might be exaggerating about time standing still but I will tell you about a profound moment in my life when the words I love you became more…

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