Be An Oyster!

My friend, Cathy, showed up one day sporting an eye patch. She’s a stellar athlete who has triumphed over hard-hitting competition, but thanks to a tiny grain of sand that scratched her cornea, she was kept on the sidelines, out of the action. A microscopic irritant grated against the delicate…

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The Multiplication Factor

At this point in my empty-nester life, I thought I’d be winding down from work and from ministry, but I find myself busier than ever. What began as a passing interest has multiplied into a ministry that has had a global reach. I’m not quite sure how it happened or…

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Can you really have “perfect peace?”

A few years ago, Hurricane Irene came to our NJ town. And afterwards so did the President and Governor. The aftermath of flooding left our neighborhoods destroyed, people displaced, businesses ruined. But the destruction was selective. While some areas were devastated, others were spared. Among the many affected were two…

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Dive In!

  While on retreat a while back, our rooms had a beautiful view overlooking the bay. As we watched the activity among the geese swimming and frolicking in the water, my friend shared with me her wise observation about the geese. Noticing  the many geese diving down into the water despite the ample food along…

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Call 911 !!

For years, my favorite Psalm was Psalm 91. I even used Psalm 911 as my email address. Why? “911” is who we call when we are in trouble, and the first verse of Ps 91 is “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the…

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