When my sister-in-law finally upgraded to a smartphone, she raved to me about one app – the “Notes” app. It thrilled her to record her shopping list on her phone. My jaw dropped. With all the apps out there that do truly amazing things, I was dumbfounded that all she…
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The first of the sun’s rays had yet to break the long exhausting night. What should have been an hour boat ride now stretched into a 6 hour nightmare. Jesus had instructed His disciples to board the boat and meet Him on the other side of the lake. All…
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As I sat in the front row of the Christian high school auditorium, waiting to be introduced to speak to the students and faculty about who I am in Christ, I reflected on the morning that had turned into a comedy of errors! My hair was a mess. I tried on…
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I love the Book of Acts, full of drama, history, theology. In Chapter 17, one of my favorite chapters, Paul delivers a powerful message in Athens. Paul fled to Athens because the Thessalonian rabble-rousers started to agitate the Bereans. Silas and Timothy stayed behind in Berea until Paul’s other travelmates…
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All day long, my husband the chiropractor, plays Simon Says with his patients. As they lie face down on the table, he’ll instruct them, “Put your left hand behind your lower back.” “Raise your right hand above your head.” And so on. Each of these tests indicates specific vertebrae in…
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