She sat peacefully in a wooden gazebo by the water’s edge, half facing the water, head swiveled backward keeping a watchful eye on her howling daughter standing on the rocks behind her about 10 feet away. At Mohonk Mountain House, the breathtaking scenic vistas, rock climbs, miles of hiking trails,…
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The following passage from Isaiah 53 paints a picture of the “Suffering Savior.” Written 600 years before Jesus the Savior faced that ungrateful crowd and was condemned to die a criminal’s death, the prophet Isaiah penned these words: He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows,…
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Just like that, driving along, it came to me. Six little words that packed a huge punch. “Worry robs God of His diety.” Deity means: “The character or essential nature of God; One exalted or revered as supremely good or powerful.” Got that? Supremely Powerful… When we worry, we are…
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The other day, several patients entered our office declaring, “It’s so warm outside!” It was a sunny 34o. After several overcast days of single digit temperatures, it seemed downright balmy. But the same 34o in August would be frigid. This thing is – 34 degrees is 34 degrees. Period.…
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It was my first visit ever to the gynecologist. I never felt so awkward and uncomfortable. But nothing prepared me for the words I heard the doctor say to the nurse standing by the door taking notes. “blah, blah, blah, a tumor, about 10 centimeters, blah, blah, blah, blah…..”…
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