Separation Anxiety

In a parking lot near my office, I spotted the cutest family parade: four little goslings marching single file, Mother and Father Goose in front and rear, on their way to a nearby stream.  Unfortunately, one little fella wound up on the wrong side of the fence. Hearing his family…

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The Gentle Leader

    My little pup Roxie and I frequently stroll through our local arboretum. Now this doggie of mine is a natural born “puller.” She always has been. Put the leash on her, and she’s so excited, she can’t wait to get moving. It puts a terrible strain on her…

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A Rose Among Thorns

    A few days ago, I went to see my friend Rose in the hospital. After months of health problems, I heard she’d suffered a seizure and was heavily medicated. I had no idea that she’d be unrecognizable. I went into her room and promptly came out thinking they’d…

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