I Got a Bag of Rocks for a Gift. Say What?

This week I received a gift.

It is the season of gift giving and this present is so unusual that I have to tell you about it.

What is it?

Ahem…… It’s a bag of rocks. …

Yes, a large bag of rocks. See the photo?

Okie dokie, yep, a large bag of polished stones.Imported Photos 00001

But this sack of rocks is anything but ordinary.

Okay, no, these particular rocks aren’t magical. They won’t produce a goose who lays golden eggs when placed in the ground. Whoops, wrong analogy. *grin* Forgive me.

However, they hold enormous meaning. In fact, they are invaluable to me.


Because they are a gift from a close girlfriend. That may not seem like a big deal to you but to me it is a tremendous triumph.

Let me explain.

For 23 years I worked in Corporate America. I set myself on the fast track to climb the rungs of success. And, indeed, I did rise and enjoyed enormous business success in the banking arena. My personal life? Not so much. ~ Such were my prodigal years.

During the management years of my career, I lived in a “man’s world.” My bosses were men, my clients were men, I managed men as well as women, and I was one of the first women to join Rotary when it was still primarily a male dominated service organization. With all this time spent in a “man’s world” I basically approached relationships like a guy. I thought like a man.

My relationships with women were a struggle. I often offended my female friends. I struggled with sensitivity and failed to invest significant time nurturing trust and developing camaraderie. I had only one close girlfriend during this time. She was an attorney, a career woman as well. Needless to say, I didn’t have a lot of experience with just hanging out with the girls.

When I returned to the faith of my childhood, God turned my world upside down. I needed a total overhaul. I believed so many lies of the enemy. I was broken, deceived, prideful, and stubborn. It’s a good thing the Lord’s love is fathomless and His yearning to work a change in me is relentless.

He slowly reworked my marriage. He restored a broken relationship with my Dad and just recently healed my relationship with my sweet sister. He has allowed me to serve His kingdom through writing and speaking. He has worked so many changes in me that I am a new creation.

One significant area in my life which needed major rewiring was understanding women. God knew I was missing out on the privilege of deep and meaningful friendships with women outside of any business driven interests.

Well over the years walking with the Lord, His persistence never wavered. He gently showed me, through His word, the reflection of a Godly woman. He also revealed what real friendship is all about. And even more amazing, He richly blessed me with women friends. And even more astounding, God, in His great humor, placed me in women’s ministries.

Go figure? Who woulda thunk it?

Certainly, not me.

So how do the rocks fit in? They are a gift from my friend, Jolene. She loves me for who I am. She loves me just because. She prays for me. She prays for my husband. She loves Jesus and that makes our relationship “forever.”

Attached to the bag was this note from Jolene.

Imported Photos 00000 I awoke today with thoughts of you, Lynn, and of your husband. I was giving thanks to our God for his faithfulness to you both by providing a job (my husband has been unemployed for almost a year). God is perfect in His plans. He always remembers us Gen 8:1. I started thinking about my last Bible study, Beth Moore drilling into my head… remember your “God Stops,” those times in your life when God is faithful.

So, Lynn, I am led to give you stones. I know how much you love your garden and I thought maybe these stones could be placed there as a memorial to God because He provided a job for your husband. Remember, God commanded His people of old to do just this, remember their “God Stops,” and build a memorial along their way in the desert.

Thank you for allowing me to pray for your situation and to see God’s hand at work in your life through it. You are prayed for and loved, Jolene.


In years past I never knew this kind of friendship. It is a rich and vibrant relationship that soars above the world because our hearts are tightly bound through our Lord Jesus Christ.

So this cold December day, I will place these precious stones outside in my garden. Every time I see them, I will remember. I will remember the “God Stops” of this year. My husband’s unemployment, his journey closer to the cross, God’s provision when we had little money. I will remember the “God Stops” of my friendship with women like Jolene.

I will look upon those stones as I till the soil year after year and give thanks for all of you who also prayed and shared friendship. I will thank the Lord Jesus for you. For the days you held me in your prayers but more importantly when you held my lost husband.

Because of God’s great mercy and His desire to fill my life with REAL living, I know what real friendship is all about.

So today as I look at this seemingly worthless sack of rocks, I know they are likely the most precious gift I will receive all season.

God is good. God loves us so much. God is the giver of eternal friendships and I treasure each and every one of you. Be blessed, Lynn

16 thoughts on “I Got a Bag of Rocks for a Gift. Say What?

  1. Kim

    Thank you so much for this post. As you can see from my blog address I am a stone gatherer. My blog is named Scattered Stones. As I read this post I remembered the Ebenezer Stone that Samuel put up. God is faithful!

  2. Kim

    Oh that was wonderful. And I Love using the stones as a God Stop! God is so faithful and brings us through so much in our lifetime!!

  3. eph2810

    My spam word this morning is ‘forgiven’ — how fitting. This is the biggest ‘God Stop’ in my personal life…

    What a sweet gift from your friend Jolene. I am so thrilled that your beloved is walking the path toward the cross 🙂 May God continue to bless you and yours…Love you!!!!

  4. Noreen

    Sweet friend, How incredibly touching-it is hard to fathom that you struggled with relationships with women and it is so encouraging to see how the Lord redeemed this area for you. I for one am so blessed by your love.
    Hugs to you today-and snow!

  5. Marsha

    Lynn, as soon as I saw the title, I knew this had to be written by you! It just had your style written all over it!

    In the front of our ministry facility we have a pile of 12 stones as a remembrance of how far the Lord has brought us those far. We want those who enter this place of hope and healing to ask, “What do these stones mean?” so that we may remember and declare His provision. (Joshua 4:1-9).

    Someday, your children, grandchildren, or visitors may ask you as they walk through your beautiful garden, “What do these stones mean?” and you too will be able to tell of God’s amazing provision for you this year.

    I’m so thankful that on one of those rocks in your garden is the remembrance of a woman in Kenya and a cow and on yet another is a bloggers retreat where our hearts were knit together in love.

    I love you SOO much!!

  6. Abby

    What a beautiful and perfect gift. I cannot imagine a Lynn who struggled to connect with women! 🙂 So thankful for you, your prayers and your words of encouragement.

    Lots of Love –


  7. Rosheeda

    Lynn –

    No wonder I’m so in love with you. That whole ‘think like a man thing’ and difficult relationships with women. And the whole give in to God and your whole world gets flipped around?! Yeah. Totally get that. We have so much more in common than I thought! Go figure.

    I love you. And I am more than grateful for what the Lord is doign in and thru you. The ministry He’s given you is so vital and you thrive in this place of faithfulness to Him who created you.

    Words can’t even express… I love you and I am rejoicing with you this day for the mighty move of the Most High God that you have the privilege of watching unfold in your home and that we have the privilege of watching unfold as you share with us.

    Have a beautiful day, sis!

  8. Sharon A. Kyser

    Your post is so profound and insightful. I often feel that I am all alone except for the Lord living within. I asked the Lord why I don’t have a close friend where I live. He says to my heart “so you will get to know ME better”. It is a long lonely road but sometimes posting and reading posts seems to fill the gap. Thank you so much for sharing from the heart and soul. It is wonderful to hear Gods’ voice working within us through che computer. Thank you so much,

  9. Melanie

    Wow, Lynn! Such a beautiful and powerful post of how God works in our lives when we allow Him to move. He’s given you a special friend in Jolene.. one who listens for Him and loves and prays for her dear friends!

    God is so very good! Thanks for post today… a beautiful reminder of all He can and will do.

  10. Lita

    I needed to read this. Thank you! Love your blog and how you share your insights and your life. God richly gives to His children with deep thought and understanding. Love it!!!

  11. LindaLinda

    This is just beautiful Lynn – every bit of it. I am just overwhelmed at the way the Father loves us. Thank you for sharing this.

  12. Dineen Miller

    What a precious gift! This is so beautiful, Lynn. Thank you. I’m so thankful for your friendship. And man, what a pair we make. I’m on such the opposite spectrum of this. LOL! Totally female and insecure. You are so right, we really do compliment and complete each other. LOL! Love you to pieces!

  13. Rosy Caesar

    True, true, very true… every word in your post is true… thank you as it opens an area that I might need to work on…Thanks again Lynn. Prayers.

  14. Bernadine

    Lynn your post always leave me thinking, crying or smiling… but always inspired, enlightened and encouraged.

    God bless