For some reason today I thought about the scripture about God not being in the wind or earthquake but in the still small voice and I looked it up. 11 Then He said, “Go out, and stand on the mountain before the LORD.” And behold, the LORD passed by, and…
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Every spring we are inundated with ants. They swarm into the kitchen and try to take over. This year they came early. I don’t like to spray, and the plastic bait traps don’t seem to work well, but when I saw dozens of them near the kitchen sink, I bought…
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There are times when reading the Bible, I find a passage that causes me to pause, to meditate, to dig deep into its meaning. Recently I explored one of those passages. “For God in all his fullness was pleased to live in Christ, and through him God reconciled everything to…
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We live in a world of numbers. Hold that thought for a minute while I take us back to a time long ago and far away. My grandchildren look at me with wonder when I tell them we didn’t have cell phones when I was growing up. They cannot…
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While I was visiting family in Florida a couple of weeks ago we attended worship at their “winter” church. They are snow birds. I was blessed to enjoy their hospitality and the warmth of the sun for a week. The service that particular Sunday was an explanation of the Passover…
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