I heard a statement recently that caused me to consider the depth of its meaning. “You won’t love what you don’t know.” This turned my thoughts to man’s relationship with God. Is it because many don’t know God’s character that they do not choose to have a relationship with Him?…
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To put it simply, there are many things we do not understand. The unexpected and unexplained death of a loved one. A family member who walks away from family relationships. Watching a person slip away, losing all remembrance and ability to reason. A job not offered to the one who…
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When my daughter was in college, she spent a January semester in Ghana. I don’t remember all the stories she shared but I do remember her saying “Mom, if your feet are clean your whole body feels clean.” Today is Maundy Thursday the day when we remember and reflect upon…
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Feel like you’re standing alone? Don’t know where to turn? Gaze up at God, glance at the need and entrust it to His all-wise, all-loving care. He is the Lord, the Most High God who reigns over all. He’s Abba Father when we need fathering. He is All-sufficient in our…
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There are times when reading the Bible, I find a passage that causes me to pause, to meditate, to dig deep into its meaning. Recently I explored one of those passages. “For God in all his fullness was pleased to live in Christ, and through him God reconciled everything to…
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