As a wife of a pastor, I must echo the words of James, “I count it all joy”! For more than a decade now I have had the joy of serving alongside my husband on this ministry journey that God has set in motion. For the most part, I say it has been a…
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Babies aren’t supposed to die. They’re supposed to be born, grow up, and die when they’re old and gray adults. But we live in a fallen world and sometimes the fall out lands on us. I’ve been reminded of just how hard the fall out can be this week when…
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I’m enamored with water. Whether it’s watching an ocean roll onto the shore, the serenity of a still mountain lake, the energy of an overflowing water fall or the sound of a rushing mountain creek, I am captivated by its sights and sounds. This winter I paused at the juncture near…
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***Winners of the new book by Lynn and Dineen are Celia (Comment 2) and Janet (Comment 13). Lynn will contact you so that she can ship out the book directly to you.*** On September 26th I opened my Bible and found a note scribbled in the margin. It said: 2006:…
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As I pushed my cart through the produce section, the avocados caught my eye. I had only picked up a couple to inspect when it started. One, then two of the lovely green fruit began to roll from the top of the high pile. (Yes, an avocado is technically a…
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